Amazing Things You Didn’t Know Were Invented by Children

Amazing Things You Didn't Know Were Invented by Children

Children are naturally curious beings. However, some children turn their curiosity, along with with their creativity, playful imagination, and enterprising attitude, into amazing inventions! It proves that smart ideas do not have to be confined by age. Check out some of the everyday things that were invented by the 18-and-under set. You … Read more

Amazing Ancient Greek Scientists

The time of the ancient Greeks was full of scientific discoveries and inventions that are still relevant to this day, as most of the modern inventions that we are currently utilizing now may have been improved versions of machines or apparatuses that were created in ancient Greece. It is speculated that the … Read more

The Amazing History of the Space Shuttle

It was 2011 when NASA launched the last space shuttle, the Atlantis, into space, effectively ending the Space Shuttle Program the same year. After many years of no newly-built space shuttle in the areas owned by NASA, it is safe to say that the program is gone for good. Nonetheless, the organization … Read more

The History of the IBM Personal Computer

Almost every household around the world has at least one desktop computer or laptop, as the computer is now considered one of the most important devices to have at home. The computer does a variety of tasks and functions, it can be used to write homework or even office work, and it … Read more

Learn About the Amazing Ancient Scientists of India

A statue of Charaka in India: Modern life has been shaped by several historical achievements, with the field of science playing some of the most important parts. There are several areas within science, of course, but the fact remains that scientists are undoubtedly among the most influential people in history. Many people … Read more

Surprising Shape-Shifting Organisms

The animal world is a beautiful, fascinating, and mysterious one. There are several parts of the world that we still have to explore, which means that many species are as yet undiscovered. As science progresses, it also uncovers a lot about animals that we didn’t know before. Shape-shifters, for instance, aren’t very … Read more

What Is The Difference Between A Car GPS And A Truck GPS?

GPS is one of the most wonderful miracles of modern society, and without it, we would probably still be walking around with maps, not to mention getting lost all the time. The general usage of GPS includes many benefits that any individual can take advantage of. It’s evolved to a level that … Read more

Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Our Amazing Body

Our body is wonderful and it works just perfectly to keep us alive and functioning. We know how unique and individualistic the human body is. You’re probably very familiar about the strange things happening in your body, but you may not know the reason why these things happen. Not only does it … Read more

The Best Home Computers of 1980s

Introduction Computing and home computers really took off in 1980s with many companies competing against each other for a slice of the pie. New models were released year after year, but only a few became hugely successful. 80s was the time when affordable home computers were introduced to the masses and allowed … Read more

The Science Behind Laser Engraving: How Does It Work?

You have no doubt heard of Laser engraving before. However, have you ever wondered how it works? Well, in this article I want to spell out the science behind laser engraving. What is a Laser? Laser is actually an acronym for Light Amplified by Stimulated Radiation. This gives a clue as to … Read more

Top Science Discoveries and Inventions of the 90s

Things began to look like today’s world in the ‘90s. Back then you can see people using phones and they had computers in their homes. People were starting to be exposed to sleek, digital products that predicted several of the gadgets we know and use today. The world said goodbye to the … Read more

The Top Science Discoveries and Innovations of the 80s

Can you imagine our world without Microsoft Windows, DNA fingerprinting, and Apple computers? Kind of hard, right? Well, all of those technologies and innovation was started in the 1980s. When we hear and think of the 80s, some of us may immediately think of Madonna, U2, or even former president Ronald Raegan. … Read more

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