Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Lending For New Home Buyers

Home purchases are on the rise, with the average home buyer owning their home for 6 years on average in 2021, and total mortgage debt in the United States over $10 trillion. When you are a new home buyer, your borrowing strategy is going to be the biggest stress of the entire process. It will also be one of the biggest financial decisions you make. When are going through this process, you will always have questions, and questions that you forget to ask when you are talking to lenders and doing your mortgage shopping.

You might also feel like traditional lending is making you feel like you are banging your head against the wall. Private companies such as are examples of companies that can help you to stop doing that. Get answers to some of your most frequently asked questions here.

That one was a mess. There was some heartache here and the file doesn’t show anything I want to be concerned about today, maybe later if something comes up but not today. I don’t think it will. The tag will get done and she will be in for a bad surprise and it will be a bad day for her but that is all. We hope that she gets the seriousness of the driver’s license issue when it happens.

How Much of the Mortgage Do You Qualify For?

When you are looking for a mortgage, this is everybody’s first question. There are a number of online prequalification apps and tools that you can use to find out how much you will qualify for when you are looking for a lender for your new home. Have everything you need regarding your assets when you are checking to see how much you qualify for.

The documents that you are looking for include your bank statements, paystubs, tax returns, and other work or financial information.

What is an Income to Debt Ratio?

You will hear the term income to debt ratio when you are working on your mortgage or lending solution. Your income ratio is calculated by taking your total housing costs and dividing that by your pre-tax income. Your debt ratio is your total housing costs, plus your debts, plus your regular credit bills such as car payments and other loans.

Do You Need Mortgage Insurance?

This will depend on the lender but you typically do need mortgage insurance. You need it for yourself for property damage and liability costs, but your lender will also want to have it in the event there is a foreclosure on the property.

Get a Quote

These are the most common questions that new homebuyers have when they are looking to qualify for a home. When you want a home and a mortgage, check all of your options, and don’t be shy to use unconventional lenders to get what you need to get your dream home.