More About The Main Types Of Sleep Apnea And The Risk Factors

Sleep apnea is a possibly severe sleep disorder where breathing keeps stopping and starting. If you are prone to snoring and still feels tired after having a full night’s rest, you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Three primary types of sleep apnea

  • Obstructive sleep apnea – this is a regular form that happens when throat muscles ease.
  • Central sleep apnea – happens when your brain is not sending the appropriate signals to your muscles that are controlling your breathing.
  • Treatment-emergent central sleep apnea – also referred to as complex sleep apnea syndrome, in the instance when someone has both central and obstructive sleep apnea.
    O2Vent Optima is widely popular for treatments of sleep apnea.


The symptoms and signs involved in central and obstructive apneas may overlap, making it tricky to establish which one you have. The most familiar signs and symptoms linked to central and obstructive sleep apneas are:

  • Snoring loudly.
  • Having a dry mouth when you’re waking up.
  • Instances where your breathing stop while sleeping, which is reported by another individual.
  • Gasping for air while you are asleep.
  • Excessive daytime hypersomnia (sleepiness).
  • Difficulty concentrating while being awake.
  • Morning headaches.


Obstructive sleep apnea

happens when the muscles situated in the back of your throat ease. They support the triangular piece of tissue dangling from the uvula (soft palate), the soft palate, tonsils, and the side walls of your tongue and throat. Once the muscles ease, the airway closes or narrows as you breathe in. You won’t get enough air, and this can decrease oxygen levels in the blood. The brain senses the difficulty in breathing and promptly rouses you from your sleep to reopen the airway. It happens so quick that you don’t recall it. You might gasp or choke and the pattern may repeat itself 5-30 times every hour, all night, preventing you from having deep and restful sleep. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, you can contact this Dental Clinic in Brentwood, California for treatment options.

Central sleep apnea –

A less regular form of sleep apnea that happens when the brain is not transmitting signals to the breathing muscles. You won’t breathe for a short interval and might awaken due to shortness of breath or you may have difficulty in staying asleep or falling asleep.

Risk Factors

Certain factors can influence the risk of sleep apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

  • Being overweight can increase the chances of having sleep apnea.
  • Neck circumference – those who have thicker necks may possess a narrow airway.
  • Narrowed airway – it can be hereditary, or tonsils and adenoids can enlarge and cause a blockade, especially in children.
  • Being male – men are more prone to sleep apnea, however sleep apnea happens to women who are overweight or after menopause.
  • Being older – it happens more with the elderly.
  • Family history – having family with the condition can increase your risk.
  • Using tranquilizers, alcohol or sedatives – all leading to muscle relaxation in the throat and can worsen obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Smokers – smoking can increase fluid retention and inflammation in your upper airway.
  • Nasal congestion – allergies or anatomical problems can lead to the development of obstructive sleep apnea.

Central Sleep Apnea

  • Being older – older people have a more significant risk.
  • Being male – happens more commonly in men.
  • Heart disorders – congestive heart failure can increase the risk.
  • The use of narcotics – opioid medications, especially methadone, can increase the risk.
  • Stroke – having a stroke can enhance the risk of either central sleep apnea or complex sleep apnea syndrome.