The Oldest Existing Libraries in the World

admont abbey library

Like Belle in Beauty and the Beast, every book lover dreams of stepping into a gigantic library to wander, explore, and lose themselves in browsing and reading books. Now, it’s no longer a fantasy because there are many libraries out there that have stood for centuries. They have retained much of their … Read more

Unnecessary Items Backpackers Think They Need But Don’t

Unnecessary Items Backpackers Think They Need But Don't

Whether you’re a seasoned backpacker or a complete beginner, old habits die hard. When you’re packing, it’s pretty easy to start straying from the main goals and start packing things with absolutely no value to your trip, increasing the backpack’s weight and taking important space. Some people like to feel that they … Read more

The Longest Literary Works Ever Written

The Longest Literary Works Ever Written

You might have found Stephen King’s The Stand, to be too long (and it is long, almost 1000 pages long), but it still doesn’t come close to the longest works of literature ever written. Countless hours went into writing them, and people enjoyed reading them. You could argue that before the internet and quickly-consumed … Read more