The History of DNA Fingerprinting


DNA Fingerprinting revolutionized the world of science and forensics since its remarkable discovery. Over three decades after its first forensic application, it’s still widely used to pinpoint criminals and free innocents while also transcending into other fields, such as medicine and tracing. A big surprise to many is finding out that its … Read more

Did You Know You Can Create Art Out of Your DNA?

Did You Know You Can Create Art Out of Your DNA

Sounds straight out of a science fiction novel? But this is very much REAL. People across the globe are refurbishing their homes with these extraordinary objects of awe. Heather Dewey-Hagborg, is known to have created DNA portraits/art from discarded used human items, for her project Stranger Visions. Salvador Dali, from the 20th … Read more

Interesting Facts About DNA

About DNA

The molecule responsible for storing information about the genetic makeup of an organism is called deoxyribonucleic acid or commonly known as DNA. Over the years, scientists have discovered some unbelievable facts about our DNA. Here are some of the interesting DNA facts that will amaze you. If your DNA would be unwound … Read more