6 ways to live a flu-proof life

6 ways to live a flu proof life

A lot of people get infected by the flu every year and many of those who contract the virus are unable to fight it and die. The dangers of the flu virus might scare you into thinking that you have no option but to hope for the best. However, that is not … Read more

Health and Fitness Tips for 2021

Health and Fitness Tips for 2020

Good health is vital to living a quality life. Note that if your body is not in good shape, you may not be able to work and provide for your family, you will not be able to do the basic things, and this will affect your happiness. That is why health and … Read more

What Does Microneedling Involve And Which Areas Are Targeted?

What Does Microneedling Involve And Which Areas Are Targeted?

You may have heard about microneedling before but are not entirely sure what the procedure entails. Here are some fast facts that can help with clearing things up: About: Microneedling is done with a derma roller that has small needles used for pricking the skin. The aim of such a treatment is … Read more