Learn About the Greatest Scientists of the 20th Century

Albert Einstein

Science in the 20th century has advanced dramatically. There was a huge amount of technologies that were developed in the 20th century such as the worldwide web, penicillin, television, transistor, DNA profiling, and the microprocessor. These brilliant inventions were created at the end of the 19th century but they were universally used … Read more

Greatest Scientists in the Middle Ages

Greatest Scientists in the Middle Ages

Science in the Middle ages was called knowledge. During the medieval period, any knowledge that was gathered by observation and logical thinking all fell within the term science. And during those time these people are curious enough about why the sun, stars, and the moon exists or developing the teachings of logic … Read more

Greatest Scientists of the 17th Century

Greatest Scientists of the 17th Century

The 17th century witnessed major changes in the field of science and philosophy. Because before the beginning of the 17th century, scientists and scientific studies were not really recognized. But in the middle of the 17th century, newly invented machines began to emerge and it slowly became part of the people’s daily … Read more

Greatest Scientist of the 16th Century

Greatest Scientist of the 16th Century

The 16th century was the beginning of the modern era of extraordinary literature, great exploration, and especially science. It was in the 16th century where the advancements were made in the theories of cosmography, geography, natural history, and mathematics. This century witnessed great inventions in the fields of engineering, navigation, military arts, … Read more

Greatest Scientists of the 19th Century

Greatest Scientist in the 19th Century

The 19th century witnessed the beginning of modern science. The 19th century witnessed the beginning of modern science. Some people refer to the 19th century as “the Era of Science.” Significant theoretical and practical progress was made in both chemistry and physics throughout the course of the century. The old term philosopher … Read more