Famous Unfinished Works

first page of Requiem score

Many creative works owe their fame and iconic status to their unfinished state. The most common reason many works were abandoned is the death of the author or artist who created them. But there are other reasons, too. It may be that the creator chose not to finish it due to loss … Read more

The Longest Literary Works Ever Written

The Longest Literary Works Ever Written

You might have found Stephen King’s The Stand, to be too long (and it is long, almost 1000 pages long), but it still doesn’t come close to the longest works of literature ever written. Countless hours went into writing them, and people enjoyed reading them. You could argue that before the internet and quickly-consumed … Read more

Famous Historical Essay Writers

F. Scott Fitzgerald circa 1923

Essays are literary pieces of work where the author presents his arguments and reflections. They express the author’s personal views, making them exciting and enjoyable to read. Many topics can be written in the form of an essay. Some of those can be about social issues, politics, literary criticisms, human rights, education, … Read more

The Amazing Science Focused Nobel Winners of the 21st Century

The Amazing Science Focused Nobel Winners of the 21st Century

The Nobel Prize is an annual international award giving bodywhich honors and recognizes cultural, academic, and scientific advances. It is given by Swedish and Norwegian institutions. The person who started this award was Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel. In 1895, He stated it in his last will and testament five Nobel prizes namely … Read more