Great Stories of Survival

a slot canyon where Aron Ralston was trapped

Despite the many injuries and diseases that we humans can suffer from, we are sometimes capable of doing great things in order to survive. From rationing food supplies to stopping the bleeding on a wound before being sent to a hospital, our adrenaline rush and our powerful will to survive may be … Read more

Why Do Some Birds Fly South for the Winter and Some Do Not?

Why Do Some Birds Fly South for the Winter and Some Do Not

In Northern parts of the United States, birds that are usually seen alone or in small groups during summer will begin to flock together and prepare for their annual migration going south before the leaves start to fall. Waterfowls will gather together and will form a V pattern in the sky as … Read more

Infographic: 8 Crucial Steps to Follow to Survive a Mass Shooting

Infographic 8 Crucial Steps to Follow to Survive a Mass Shooting

The information provided here is only to be considered for general help and guidance only. Always seek professional help and guidance to to prepare for any situation and during any type of unsafe incident. The Las Vegas shooting incident is one of the worst mass shootings in the United States, waking up … Read more

Why Do Cats Purr?

Why Do Cats Purr

Cats are amazing creatures because their characteristics and behaviors are multifunctional, which helps them increase the odds of survival. Scratching for them is marking territories, communicating conflicted feelings, and maintaining their nail health. Their whiskers can feel wind direction and can help them navigate as well. They also purr to show contentment. … Read more