What are Those Mysterious Moon Flashes of Light?

What are Those Mysterious Moon Flashes of Light

For thousands of years, astronomers have been interested in and baffled by the moon and because of this, which of course culminated on the moon landing. This move helped researchers and astronomers make observations from afar and even if there have been many notable moon-related discoveries that were revealed since humanity reached … Read more

Strangest and Most Unusual Conspiracy Theories of All Time

Conspiracy Theories

Some of the craziest conspiracy to ever exist have been thought up and brought up from the dark corners of the internet. And what is amazing with these conspiracy theories is that each of them has gained some sort of following. They have Youtube videos, websites, documentaries, papers, and even books that … Read more

What the Heck is Déjà vu Exactly?

What the Heck is Déjà vu Exactly

Have you ever been in a situation where things seemed to be familiar? For instance, you’re in a middle of a conversation with someone when suddenly it feels like you’ve had that conversation before. Or it’s your first time to visit a certain place but there’s an eerie feeling of familiarity that … Read more