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10 Straightforward But Efficient Tips For Training Your Dog

10 Straightforward But Efficient Tips For Training Your Dog

Training a dog takes patience, a solid routine, and understanding the basics of dog behavior. It’s essential to remember that you are working with an animal and not a human. It takes time for them to understand what you are trying to teach them. With dog boarding in Chapel Hill, you’ll soon have a well-behaved and happy pooch.

1. Always Remain Positive When You’re Working With Man’s Best Friend

Try always to stay optimistic when you are working with your dog. Dogs have fun when learning, and if they remain stress-free, and you want to build a supportive relationship with your dog.

2. Remember, A Dog Is Not Born With The Ability To Understand Human Speech

Dogs communicate with each other via body language as well as several types of vocalizations. Dogs don’t understand human speech, and they are not mind readers either. Understanding what your dog’s signals mean can build a strong relationship with him.

3. Recognizing The Basics Of How Animals And People Learn

When behaviors are reinforced, they are more likely to be repeated, but those that are not will most likely be discontinued since they bring no benefit to your dog.

4. Keeping Training Sessions Short

Dogs learn quickly when you keep the training sessions short and teach them in brief intervals. This way, you will also find the time to fit your dog’s training sessions into every day. You can find more pet-related articles at Fuzzy Rescue.

5. Include Training As Part Of A Daily Routine

Teach your dog to sit before going outside or inside and train your dog to stay relaxed while you are watching TV etc. Getting your dog to repeat such behaviors as part of your daily routine will help him to learn them and continue doing them without having to prompt him.

6. Utilizing Quiet Areas With Minor Distraction

Once your dog has already learned a few behaviors, slowly start adding distractions. You may have to start from square one with certain behaviors once the distractions were added.

7. Making Sure Everyone That Forms Part Of The Household Is On Board

Make sure everyone uses the same hand signals and words with your dog. Being unfailing will help your dog learn faster and not confuse him.

8. Focusing On What You Want Him To Do

It is much easier to teach a dog what you want him to do instead of teaching him what you don’t want him to do. For instance, a dog that tends to jump up can be trained to sit, or one that pulls can be taught how to look at his owner and given eye contact before proceeding.

9. Using Positive Reinforcement As Motivation

Each dog is different. Therefore, motivation may include toys, food, treats, petting, or being allowed to play with another dog. See your dog as unique and utilize what works best for him.

10. Getting Professional Assistance

If your dog requires support with basic training or you notice behavioral problems, contact a qualified trainer to help both of you work through this so that you can enjoy a long and happy life together.

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