Home Blog Gaming, Recreation and Sports 9 Things To Consider On Your Next Beach Activities

9 Things To Consider On Your Next Beach Activities

If you love spending time at the beach, you can have a blast in the sea and sand with proper preparation. Being well prepared means being less worried about things like bug bites, sunburns, or bad weather. A great beach vacation is about packing and planning for good and bad weather activities. It is a lot more than bringing the essentials like a suntan lotion, sunglasses, or the right mat. It is about picking things that will make your beach time more enjoyable, safer, and easier. Here are a few tips to help you have an excellent time on your next beach day.

1. Head to the right beach for your activities

It is very important to do your research and decide what type of experience you want from the stay. If you want to enjoy the lively crowds, pick a beach that has a vibrant night scene, and if you want to read a book and listen to the peaceful ocean waves, choose a serene and quiet beach. If you want to enjoy water activities like paddleboarding and SUP yoga, pick a beach that has the best waves and will allow you to ride on them. If you want to bring the dog along, choose a pet-friendly beach. Do your research and find a beach that has the kind of environment that you will enjoy the most – and bring a PFD for you and your dog!

2. Check the rules for your favorite activities

You need to check the rules for the activities you want to engage in. You need to enquire whether you can bring the Jet Ski or your grill and have a cookout. Check the rules for a romantic swim or moonlight walk by the beach. When you find out in advance about your favorite activities, you will be able to plan well and enjoy your beach time. Decide what you want to do and check with the beach of your choice.

3. Choose a beach with one trained lifeguard on duty

The chances of drowning at a beach with no lifeguard protection are much higher than drowning with lifeguards. No matter the beach activity you want to engage in, it is recommended to choose a beach that has a permanent trained lifeguard on duty.


4. Carry comfortable essentials to sit or sunbathe

The purpose of a beach holiday is to relax and you need to have the right essentials to make the most of your time by the sea. Carry an oversized towel or a comfortable portable chair to have fun in the sun. If you are going with a group of people, carry enough towels or reclining chairs and always carry water. A little planning can ensure that you sit and relax comfortably. Even if you are planning to head into the water and enjoy a swim, you will need a towel and a bottle of water with you.

5. Protect yourself

A sunburn or itchy bug bite can ruin the beach vacation faster than anything else. Be prepared to handle them so they do not spoil your trip. Carry a bottle of sunscreen with you to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays. It is recommended to wear a water resistance sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply the sunscreen before you step out for the beach and reapply it after a couple of hours.

6. Wear the right clothing

It is important to wear UV resistant clothing and dress right. Keep the beach activity you want to try in mind and dress accordingly. Choose light-weight fabrics and if you want to engage in activities like paddleboarding, do not wear accessories or jewelry as it might come in the way. For SUP yoga, you need clothes that are loose but light-weight. Most importantly, you should be comfortable with what you are wearing.

7. Be prepared for mishaps or emergencies

Even after carrying all the essentials and taking the precautions, there is no guarantee that there will be no mishap or emergency on the beach. Follow the guidelines at the beach and ensure that there is a lifeguard around. If you are trying an activity for the first time, take it slow and enter the water when it is not windy and the waves are in control. When learning new things, it is natural to fall and get back up. Do not panic and enjoy the activity with an open mind.

8. Rent or buy the right equipment

Depending on the activity you intend to engage in, you should invest in quality equipment. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on it, simply rent it. There are many shops around the beach walk where you can rent equipment for activities like paddleboarding. Make sure to leash the board with a breakaway leash so that you are not separated from the board. Choosing the right type of equipment for your use is the first step to a successful beach day.

9. Keep the weather in mind

A lot depends on the type of weather at the beach. Before you plan your day out, check the weather, and ensure that you are heading out on the right day. You should be prepared for the good and bad as everything might not go as planned. If you cannot go into the water, consider bringing a volleyball and start a game with the tourists or the locals around.

No matter the beach you are headed to or the activity you want to engage in, keep these tips in mind and make the most of your time amidst the sun and sand.

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