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How to lower your electricity bill as a small business

electricity bill as a small business

Being energy efficient a business comes with its biggest perk; less spending on electricity, thus more savings for the business. More than the bigger enterprises, small businesses can benefit from this perk as small businesses always have a limitation of finances in the initial growth stage. 

The best part about having a small business is that energy efficiency becomes pretty simple because of the size of the business. As the office area and the staff size both are usually small, the efforts that you have to put in the energy-saving programs also get minimized. 

Combined with cost-effectiveness brought by the services offered by commercial electricity providers, the below-written tips can work wonders for your small business if you want to lower your business’s electricity bill and use that money somewhere more important. 

Engaging your employees in energy-efficient practices 

In small businesses, the staff size is significantly small and the staff is more close-knit than industrial businesses with thousands of employees. This can give you the advantage of personalized company discussion sessions where you can make your employees understand the need of being energy efficient by engaging in energy-saving practices easily. 

As they will be making it a habit out of their own will and not forced obligation, your employees will only enjoy the process of using the least possible amount of energy. 

Buying energy-efficient products 

Just like any other business, your small business needs some specific appliances, equipment, and devices that run on electricity for the smooth running of the office. Thus, buying products that are specifically designed to be energy-efficient and eco-friendly can help massively to reduce the consumption of energy in the form of electricity. 

Also, ensure that all your appliances in the facility or office are not too old as the older the electric appliances get, the more energy they consume. 

Invest in a smart thermostat 

Programmable smart thermostats are one of the best investments that you can make for your business’s energy-saving program. Offices need to have an optimized temperature all the time during the work hours so that the employees working there feel comfortable enough to work all day and this kind of temperature stability can be achieved through a smart thermostat despite your employees’ varying work hours. The thermostat can be programmed to automate temperature regulation at all times. 

Energy-efficient bulbs 

Gone are the days of traditional tungsten bulbs that failed to light up a room properly even after consuming so much energy. Today, there are specially designed LED bulbs available in the market, that are not just energy-efficient but they are also brighter, long-lasting, and safer to use.

Turning off appliances 

When it comes to lowering your electricity bills, the most common and oldest trick in the world is turning off electrical appliances when they are not in use. It includes lights, fans, air conditioning, and every other appliance that is used in your business. 

Say no to ‘phantom energy’ 

This is false spending of energy as it does not benefit anyone. When an appliance or device is not being used but is still plugged in, they tend to constantly draw in more and more energy. This is called phantom energy. Avoid this electricity mistake by plugging out these appliances and cutting down on the phantom energy. 

Powering off computers at the end of the day

The computer essentially helps you run your business better but they also demand a lot of energy consumption to function appropriately. Thus, these computers consume a lot of energy and increase the cost of electricity bills. 

However, ensuring that all the computers that work during the day are properly powered off and switched off at the end of the day will show you a significant amount of decrease in your business’s power consumption. 


Electricity bill is one of the biggest expenses in any business no matter what the size and type of the business are. But when you save on this expense itself, you make a huge difference to your small business’s financial state. A small business can easily be an energy efficient business identity through very small and insignificant-looking actions and habits that will eventually make a bigger difference. 

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