Home Blog Health and Fitness How to make Essential Oil Last Longer in Diffuser?

How to make Essential Oil Last Longer in Diffuser?


You may know someone who uses essential oils to calm down their senses and you want to begin the journey on your own. You may also be someone who loves essential oils and have a long history of improving your moods by the calming fragrance.

Let me tell you, being a beginner or being tight on a budget should not stop you from enjoying the health benefits that essentials oils have in store to offer. You just need to learn the ways by which you can sustain for a long time with a very small amount of essential oils.

We all know though essential oils are very calming, they are luxurious and costly. You don’t want to buy it repetitively as your monthly budget may not permit it. So, what’s the way out? The best way is to learn the ways by which you can make essential oil last longer in the diffuser. Excited to know the ways? Then keep reading!

1. Reduce olfactive fatigue by giving your nose a break

I have seen people going on and on with diffusing essential oils for long periods of time. They think it’s effective and good for their health… But is this the reality? According to science, it is not. Diffusing essential oils for longer periods of time is neither good for health nor good for the pocket.

When we keep diffusing essential oil for long hours, it starts to exhaust our nervous system. In order to save the nervous system from exhaustion caused by the continuous stimuli, our receptors put a haul on sending messages about a lingering smell to the brain. This is called “Olfactive Fatigue”.

The best way to deal with this situation is to diffuse essential oils only for a limited period of time. Also, you can use a small quantity of essential oils to make a good impact on your health as well as your pocket. The minimum time limit of diffusing is 10-15 minutes and the maximum time limit is 30-60 minutes.

After that, give your nose a break for at least an hour before diffusing again. This ensures that you are not exhausting your nervous system. Further, avoiding the overuse of essential oils makes it last longer.

2. Make sure you are using the diffusers properly

The longevity of essential oils also depends on the way you use the diffusers. They require some easy maintenance that doesn’t cost you much time. While using a diffuser, make sure you clean the device properly before you diffuse another essential oil with it.

This step is important because if avoided, the scent from the last essential oil will affect the scent and benefits from the next essential oil. When this happens, users get a messed-up scent of their favorite essential oil and so keep using more than desired to achieve the results.

3. Diffuse essential oil before your sleep

If you want the calming power of essential oils to heal you while you are sleeping, adopt this way to make your essential oils last longer. If you choose to diffuse essential oil throughout the night, it means you are choosing to empty your bottles way faster than expected.

To save your essential oils from getting used too soon, diffuse at least 30 minutes before sleep. All you have to do is to close the doors and diffuse it for 30 minutes. After that, unplug the diffuser and you are ready for a good night’s sleep. This process ensures that you enter a room that is filled with the molecules of essential oil and helps you receive a peaceful sleep.

4. Start with less

The idea is simple – use in less quantities and it will go a long way. Thus, whenever you are diffusing, keep in mind that you have to start with less number of drops. The number of drops you use should also depend on the size of your diffuser and the size of your room. For example, you need 15 drops with a 500 ml diffuser size but only 5 drops are enough for a 100 ml diffuser size.

Types of Essential Oil Diffusers

An Image of A wooden finished diffuser

Heat Diffuser

Heat diffusers are powered by candles, electricity, or the heat from a lamp’s lightbulb. The power source heats the essential oil, releasing the smell into the air. Candle-powered diffusers usually have a small dish hanging over a candle. You put oil in the dish, and the candle underneath warms it up and lets out the scent. Electric heat diffusers plug into an outlet to release the scent. Lamp ring diffusers sit on an illuminated light bulb, which warms the oil and lets out the smell.

Essential oils can be used cheaply in heat diffusers. They are also perfect for smaller rooms and are easy to clean with a little mild soap and a damp cloth. You should clean this kind of diffuser at least every time you change the scented oil. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can match them to your decor.

Nebulizing Diffuser

Nebulizers don’t need water or heat to work. In these diffusers, the oil is broken up into a mist by the force of the air. Some people think that nebulizing diffusers are the best way to enjoy the smell of essential oils and their possible health benefits. Nebulizers can be pricey to run because they use more oil than other diffusers.

But for the extra money, you can get a lot of extra features. Some nebulizers have a timer, LED lights, and a way to change the amount of mist.

Ultrasonic Diffuser

In ultrasonic diffusers, water and sound waves break up the essential oil into a fine mist. Since ultrasonic diffusers turn water into a fine mist, they can also be used as humidifiers to keep moisture in the air and keep your nasal passages from drying out. Usually, ultrasonic diffusers are quiet, easy to use, and simple to clean. Most of the time, they smell less strong than other diffusers. The bad thing is that they need water to survive. Some people believe that putting essential oils in water makes them less useful. Some people say that the water makes mold grow quickly.

Evaporative Diffusers

In evaporative diffusers, the oil just evaporates, letting the scent out into the air. Some people do this with a fan that blows the oil through a filter or screen onto which the oil has been placed. The breeze makes it evaporate and spreads the smell through the air. Reeds sitting in a jar with a little oil at the bottom make up another type of evaporative diffuser. You put a few drops of essential oil and a “carrier” oil (like Jojoba) in a glass jar and stand a few long reeds in the oil. One good thing about evaporative diffusers is that they work quietly. On the other hand, evaporation doesn’t spread out the oil components all at once, so it’s not as good.

What to Consider When Buying for the Best Essential Oil Diffuser

When picking the best essential oil diffuser for your home, think about how you want to use it, how much space it will take up, and how many people will benefit from the oils it releases.

Room Size

When choosing a diffuser, you should think about the size of the room where it will go. Large diffusers can cover up to about 1,000 square feet, but they are adjustable, so you can use them in small rooms on the lowest setting.

If you choose a water-based oil diffuser, pay close attention to how much water it can hold. If you want to use the diffuser in a big room, it should hold at least 16 ounces of water. If you use less than that, you’ll have to keep adding both water and oil.

Run Time 

Essential oils are not harmless. There are diffusers that can run for hours with just a few drops of oil, but you shouldn’t breathe in essential oils for more than 30 minutes at a time. Standard health and safety advice says that you should take a 30-minute break after every 30 minutes of use. No more than two or three times a day should you use a diffuser. Medical studies show that long-term exposure can cause headaches, high blood pressure, and a faster heart rate.

Still, it’s important to think about how long an oil will last in a diffuser. That way, you won’t have to keep adding more.


The way a diffuser looks is important, but first you need to decide what kind of diffuser you want and what benefits you can get from it. Once you know, it will be easier to find a design that matches your style and tastes. Different kinds of diffusers include simple glass jars and terracotta pots, as well as more modern plastic spheres and plug-ins. The designs you can choose from depend on the type of diffuser you choose.

Benefits of Essential Oil Diffusers

1. Aids in relaxation

After a long day at work, many people turn to aromatherapy for whatever reason. The calming effects and pleasant smells make it a great way to wind down in the evening. Diffusing essential oils can help you relax on its own or in combination with other activities.

You can diffuse the oils while doing something else relaxing, like taking a bath, doing some simple yoga, or meditating for a few minutes. Look for aromas that will help you relax instead of ones that will energize you.

2. Encourages a sense of calm

Aromatherapy is a great addition to any routine, and it can also be very helpful during times of stress and anxiety. When your mind is racing, using essential oils that make you feel calm and relaxed will help you stop, take a deep breath, and get back in control. Also, spreading essential oils makes people breathe deeper, which has been shown to reduce stress in the present.

3. Enhances clarity and attention

Aromatherapy is good for your mind and body. Choosing a scent that wakes you up, like citrus oils, can make you more alert and help you focus. Use this type of aromatherapy when you have a big job or project that needs your full attention. You can also spread these smells around your house while getting ready for work in the morning. This will tell your body to wake up and get moving.

4. A mood booster

Taking a few minutes out of your day to do something for yourself, like aromatherapy or something else, will make you feel better. Aside from helping you take care of yourself, aroma diffusers have many good effects that work together to make you feel better and more satisfied. When you’re feeling down, aromatherapy can help cheer you up and make you feel better.

5. Reduce skin redness and inflammation

Some essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties that can help your skin heal and lessen redness caused by inflammation. Because of this, your skin may look healthier, and it may even look clearer. When you put essential oils on your skin, make sure they are diluted with a carrier or base oil. Essential oils that are not diluted are too strong for the skin.

Patch test the oil first by putting a few drops on your forearm and covering it with a bandage for at least a few hours if you have sensitive skin or a history of allergic reactions. If your skin looks clear after that, you’re good to go.

6. Relieve joint aches

Essential oils can help relieve joint pain. Aromatherapy can boost your mood and make your body make chemicals that make you feel good, which can help with joint pain. As a result, your mental perception of pain, especially joint pain, is lessened. It can also help you sleep better, which is good for joint health since your body heals while you sleep.

7. Helps clear the airways for better breathing

There always seems to be something going on that might make it hard to breathe, like allergies, sinus problems, or a dry cough. Aroma diffusers help keep the feeling that your airways are clean and that it’s easy to breathe. If you are using a new oil for the first time, run the diffuser for a short time and pay attention to how you feel as you breathe in the scent.

8. Encourages healthy digestion

We all have upset stomachs from time to time, and aromatherapy might help. Some essential oil blends can help with stomach problems like feeling too full after a big meal or being sick to your stomach. They can also help keep your digestive system normal and healthy, which makes it easier to break down food.

9. Promotes healthier complexion

Aromatherapy speeds up the healing process and makes your skin and toenails look better. Essential oils can help reduce the look of minor skin irritations and blemishes. This is true whether you have a sunburn or are healing from a small rash. It also reduces the signs of aging on the skin, like fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and a loss of elasticity.

10. Improves sleep cycles

There are a number of things that could keep you up at night, like an upset stomach or a busy mind. A lot of people have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Put a relaxing oil in your aroma diffuser before bed to help you wind down and relax so you can get a full night of deep sleep.

11. Reduces muscle tension and soreness

Aroma diffusers can help ease joint pain and muscle tension in the same way that they can help with joint pain. Sit or lie down and let your body relax while using an aroma diffuser if you’re sore from working out or stiff from a long day at the office. You can also mix the pure essential oils with a carrier oil and rub it directly into the muscle to help get rid of lactic acid.

12. Alleviates mood swings during hormonal changes

Many women have mood swings before, during, or after their period or because of other hormonal changes. Aromatherapy oils that are soothing can help people who have mood swings feel more stable and calm. If you feel like your hormones are always going up and down, you might feel more stable if you diffuse essential oils. This is especially true around your menstrual cycle, which is usually a time of ups and downs.

Over to you…

According to the reports, the aromatherapy diffuser market is estimated to grow with a 7.98% CAGR in the upcoming five years. It indicates that people around the globe are enjoying the benefits of essential oils and you should too. I hope these tips help you in your peaceful journey.

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