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How To Save Money In Your 30s

How To Save Money In Your 30s

When it comes to saving money, the earlier you can start doing it the better. As you approach and head into your thirties, there’s likely to be a lot more that you are responsible for, and these responsibilities are often costly. With that in mind, saving money where you can is essential, so here’s how to save money in your 30s.

Review Your Emergency Fund

If you don’t have an emergency fund by the time you’ve reached thirty, then you could be making yourself vulnerable to financial expenditures that could end up crippling you and your household.

Reviewing emergency funds is definitely something you should be doing during your thirties because your lifestyle is certainly going to change, and that means you might not be able to save as much as you have been doing previously. You may have been saving hundreds or even thousands before, but that could change due to responsibilities like having a family or buying a bigger house, for example. 

Take a look at your current savings when it comes to your emergency fund and adapt it so that you’re still saving, but it’s an affordable amount that’s not going to impact your lifestyle too much. As much as emergency funds are important, it’s still essential to live your life to the fullest.

Review Your High-Risk Investments

Investing is a great way to help save money where it could eventually flourish into a larger sum. It’s good to review any high-risk investments that you might have at the moment to ensure they’re still performing well and that they’re not at the point where you could lose your money.

All investments carry that risk, but you can do damage control where necessary by keeping an eye on these high-risk investments. These tend to be stocks, cryptocurrencies, and p2p lending. You can learn more about P2P lending and how you can make sure your money is safe and has the best opportunity to grow.

Invest In ETFs

As a young investor, your thirties can be a great time to explore different investment opportunities, and ETFs can certainly be helpful.

These are exchange-traded funds, and they are low cost to invest in, which means pretty much anyone with a small cash reserve can get involved. They can also help bring more stability to your investment portfolio. They typically cost less to invest in, and they are more tax-efficient.

These investments can add up and compound into greater wealth over time. The more you diversify your portfolio, the better. Look at investing in ETFs and the potential benefits that they can bring to you.

Invest In Real Estate

Investing in real estate is very important because there are a lot of advantages to getting into property. Not only that, but again, having something different in your investment portfolio is important.

Real Estate is a lot safer and less volatile than investments like stocks, for example. Buying a house is a way of investing in real estate even if it’s your home. You’ve likely got a mortgage, and you’re investing in that property each month.

It’s worth expanding your horizons and saving to invest into other properties too. It might be to invest in shares of a property or to purchase a property to fix it up and sell it on. As long as the market prices are affordable for you, it’s worth giving it a go, especially during your thirties.

When looking at investments into real estate, make sure you do plenty of research, especially when you’re looking to buy to rent out or to do up and sell on. If you’re purchasing the right property or investing in the right units, then you could end up making a substantial amount of money. This can all be very beneficial for your future life and retirement plans.


When saving money in your 30s, you should definitely have more awareness of how everything works, and a lot of the risks you took in your twenties should have helped you learn more about investments.

Investing in your thirties should be less risky than when you’re in your twenties, so try to invest in more stable opportunities that are safer and less volatile. Diversify your portfolio to add to the stability and keep calm through those times that are troubling and that you might be worried you’re going to lose your money.

Remember that you’re investing not only in the short-term but in the long-term too so that you’re hopefully set up for when you eventually retire.

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