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Is Solar Power Good Renewable Energy for Your Home?

Is Solar Power Good Renewable Energy for Your Home

Did you know that the average monthly electric bill is around $118? If you are trying to make your home more sustainable and are considering solar panels for your home, but are wondering “is solar renewable energy the right choice for me?” you are in the right place. We have put together this short guide to share the top benefits of making the switch.

Read on to learn more.

Save Money

One of the main benefits of solar energy is that you save money each month. Keep in mind that how much money you save will all depend on the size of your solar energy system, how many hours of daily sunlight your home receives, and how much electricity you consume. 

We highly recommend speaking with a professional solar panel expert to ask whether your home is facing the best direction to receive power from the sun. You can follow this URL to speak to an expert right away. 

Help the Environment

Most people want to help the environment, which is why saying yes to solar is a good idea. For every kilowatt-hour of solar generated, it will help reduce emissions such as CO2. It will also reduce nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulate matter which are other dangerous pollutants.

Solar energy also reduces water consumption and withdrawal. Plus, it helps improve public health. Natural gas plants and coal plants produce water pollution along with air pollution that is harmful to humans.

When we replace these fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, it can help reduce premature mortality and health care costs. 

Increase Home Value

When you add a solar panel system to your home, this is considered an upgrade. Just like renovating your bathroom, kitchen, or unfinished basement, it will increase your home value. How much value is added to your home all depends on the system specs (how much power it produces, warranty length, battery bank capacity, etc.).

Tax Incentives

One last benefit worth mentioning is that with solar energy, you have solar tax incentives and rebates. Every state has its own incentive program, and it is best to do your research to see what you would qualify for

There are also federal rebates and incentives available or tax credits that impact your annual tax refund and can lead to having a refund from the IRS. Your local solar provider can also help educate you on the current incentives available at the time of your installation.

For example, in the past, the federal tax credit was offering 26% credit through the solar investment tax credit (ITC). 

Is Solar Renewable Energy for Your Home Good?

With our top benefits above, we hope you can make an informed answer to the question “is solar renewable energy good for my home?” If you decide to move forward then the next step is to contact the pros. 

If our article helped you, there’s more where this came from. Please browse the rest of our home section for our latest tips and tricks to spruce up your home.

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