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Net Promoter Score Program

Net Promoter Score Program

What is Net Promoter Score?

Net promoter score, or NPS, is a customer loyalty and satisfaction metric used to measure how likely an organization’s customers are to recommend their products or services to others. NPS surveys tend to have just one question, and it’s usually a variation of the following; “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our products and services to others?”

How to get Everyone Involved in your Net Promoter Score Program?

NPS programs run with the goal of increasing customer satisfaction. In order to do this, everyone in your organization must get involved in the program.

These are a few strategies that can be used to get everyone in your organization involved in the NPS program:

1. Make it Relevant

Although you may know the importance of employing an NPS program, many people in your organization may not. This is why the first step must be to educate people within your organization of NPS to help them understand the ways in which they can contribute toward improving it.

2. Provide the Right Feedback to the Right Departments

A good NPS program will identify issues that drag NPS scores down and make the right people aware of these issues. It is important for the right people to know the issues that they can contribute to fixing. Additionally, as issues are eliminated, they should track their NPS to determine if the changes made a difference.

3. Provide Tools

Issues that keep NPS scores low should be closely monitored while on the path of improvement. Each issue should be assigned to someone who is responsible for fixing it. Additionally, deadlines should be set to report on progress and be tracked and assessed.

4. Make it a Reward-Based System

By acknowledging teams or departments to increase customer satisfaction, you provide everyone with incentive to work harder toward this goal. This can also be done by rewarding departments that reach their weekly or monthly goal first. This reward doesn’t have to be of monetary value, it can just be recognition. This system keeps people engaged and motivated toward improving customer satisfaction.

Steps to Implement an NPS Program in the Best Way

Business value doesn’t increase just by measuring NPS. You must establish a process to measure and understand NPS and make changes and record the effects of these changes on NPS.

Step 1: Initiate

The first step is to initiate the NPS program. This should be done by ensuring that senior management is engaged and having the right internal structures to use the information effectively. Once everyone is on board, begin with computing your NPS using an NPS Calculator.

Step 2: Prioritise Customer Segments and Touch-Points

An NPS program can be implemented in two ways. The first way is to roll out the whole program at once. This is a high risk approach and requires a lot of planning ahead of time. The second way is to roll out the program incrementally, at the selected touchpoint. As you gain more experience and skill, it can be expanded across more touchpoints.

Step 3: Design the Data Collection Process

This is the step where you create your survey, paying close attention to survey design in order to extract the most relevant and useful information from customers. Other than the main NPS question, it is also pivotal to collect supporting data that helps you understand what drives NPS.

Step 4: Close The Feedback Loop

Closing the feedback loop, also known as service recovery, involves reaching out to unhappy customers (detractors) and making them happy. This is a useful way to gain customer loyalty as customers realize their feedback matters and address it.

Step 5: Create Impactful Business Improvements

It is now time to show some quick wins in order to demonstrate the returns of the investment into the program. Small and easy changes that can have an impact on customer experience should be made in order to uplift your NPS score. This can mean something like a change in the website design, or a change in call center script.

Step 6: Create Bigger Changes

Now it’s time to take all the information collected in order to make bigger bets. This can include redesigning products or significantly altering current products in order to better suit customer needs and improve product experience. If your NPS program has given you positive results on your smaller wins, you’re already in a good position to prove your case to vouch for bigger bets.


NPS is a process of continuous improvement and it never ends. This process must continually be repeated in order to continue to extract benefits from it.



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