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Transferring Information: From Legacy System To A New System

Transferring Information From Legacy System To A New System

Are you surprised that your competitors are advancing in business, and you are just falling behind? Your clients are not satisfied with your service because it takes too long to retrieve data? Your employees are tired of using your system because they cannot access it the way they want?

Well, these could be the reason for you being stuck with an outdated system. Your obsolete system cannot provide modern solutions to your problems, cannot be improved or updated.

What you need is a new system. Your legacy system cannot help you anymore, which might have given you good service for so long, but not anymore. Things are changing every day, and you must stay ahead to develop your business or organization. This is why you need to transfer information from a legacy system to a new system.

What is A Legacy System?

A legacy system is an outdated computer or network that is inefficient to use. A legacy system is still in use, but there is no room for growth. The older technology of a legacy system does not go well with newer structures. This legacy system can be in a desktop system or network system.

Problems with The Legacy System

Pagers, telegraphs are an example of the Legacy system.  These outdated systems are no longer useful to us. Maybe legacy systems are working now, but they will not work in a few years.

  • Costly Maintenance

Why will you spend your money on something which will be of no use in the future or cannot develop any further? This is the reason there is no use in investing in a legacy system. Above that maintaining a legacy system is not cheap.

  • Compliance Is Harder

In a legacy system, it is complicated to command some change. With your business or organization evolving, you need to change some regulations. Changing the rules is not possible in the legacy system.

  • Data Silos

A data silo is a byproduct of a legacy system. A data silo is a situation where only one group can access the data.  Most legacy systems are not designed in a way to integrate with newer systems.

So a legacy system is on its own while sharing data. It cannot integrate with other more modern systems, so data is somewhat useless. Other integrated parts cannot access the data from the legacy system.

  • Weak Security

An outdated system comes with obsolete security protocols. A legacy system is more prone to getting hacked as  It is easy to breach in a legacy system. Inadequate security can damage your business or organization. Your clients will refuse to work with you if they realize their data is not safe.

  • No New Systems Integration

A legacy system does not allow you to integrate new systems. You will fall behind if you are stuck in the same system when your competitors are advancing and upgrading. To grow your business or organization, you should integrate new systems that do not apply to the legacy system.

Process of Transferring Information From A Legacy System to A New System

The process of transferring information from a legacy system to a new system is called data migration. There are several steps to ensuring successful data migration. Several professionals can help you with data migration. Phoenix Selise provides this service at an affordable price.

  • Existing Data Extraction

In a legacy system, data can be stored in an obsolete form. Obsolete data is useless for further improvement. To use these data, you need first to extract the data. The data could be incomplete, siloed, duplicated, etc. Firstly, you have to retrieve the data or extract them. You need to make sure you extract data safely from a legacy system.

  • Transforming Into The New Format

The new system to understand the previous data format is critical to transforming the data correctly. How older data format is transferred into new data is called data mapping. Data mapping makes sure that the older data transforms into the new system’s right form.

  • Cleansing Data

You need to cleanse the data to ensure data quality. While migrating from a legacy system to a new system, you should make sure there is no incomplete, duplicate data. Also, you have to ensure; no data does not support the new format of data.

  • Validating Data

You need to validate data if you want everything to go s planned. After transforming, extracting, and cleansing, you should test some data. You can take some data and test to see any problem in data migration from the legacy system to the new system.

  • Loading Data Into The New System

The final step is to load data into your new system. When your data from the legacy system is ready, you can then shift the data into the new system from your old system.


If you don’t keep up with the latest improvements, you will fall behind in business. Therefore, transferring information from a legacy system to a new system is essential. However, always take a back-up so that you can find data if lost during transfer.

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