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When Should You Replace Your Water Heater?


Are you starting to notice problems with your water heater? Are you spending more money on energy bills than usual? Is the hot water not lasting as long as it used to?

If so, it might be time for a new water heater. But how do you know when is the right time to replace your existing one?

Knowing when to replace your old water heater can help save money and avoid any inconvenience caused by a malfunctioning unit. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the signs that indicate that you need a new water heater in order to keep up with your household’s needs.

Continue reading to learn more.

If you need help installing, repairing or replacing your water heater, you should contact a professional plumbing company, like Diamondback, to ensure that the process is done correctly.

5 Signs That Indicate You Need To Replace Your Water Heater

Your water heater is an important aspect of your home; without it, you wouldn’t have access to warm water while you cook, clean or bathe. If you happen to notice any of the following signs, you should contact a professional to replace your water heater:

1. Age of Water Heater

The lifespan of a water heater typically ranges between 8 to 12 years, influenced by factors such as brand, installation quality, maintenance routine, and usage patterns. As water heaters age, they may lose efficiency and become prone to more frequent breakdowns. Regular maintenance can extend their life, but if your heater is nearing the decade mark, it’s wise to start considering a replacement. The age factor is particularly critical because older units often operate less efficiently, leading to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. Additionally, as technology advances, newer models come with enhanced features and better energy efficiency, making them a smart investment in the long run.

2. Rust and Corrosion

Over time, water heaters can succumb to rust and corrosion, especially if they are not maintained properly. Corrosion typically starts on the inside and may not be visible until it has caused significant damage. If you notice rusty water or spots of corrosion on the tank, particularly around connections, valves, or at the base, it’s a strong indicator that the integrity of the tank has been compromised. Rust in the water often signals that the anode rod, designed to prevent corrosion, has failed and the tank itself is beginning to corrode. Once this process starts, it’s usually a countdown to leaks or a catastrophic failure, making replacement a safer and more cost-effective option.

3. Weird Noises

A well-functioning water heater should operate fairly quietly. Over time, sediment and scale can build up at the bottom of the tank, especially in areas with hard water. When the water heats up, this sediment gets agitated and can create rumbling, popping, or banging noises. These sounds are not just a nuisance; they signal that your water heater is working harder than necessary, which can lead to quicker wear and tear and inefficiency. Regular flushing can prevent some of these issues, but if the noises persist, it might indicate severe sediment buildup or other internal problems, pointing towards the need for a replacement.

4. Inadequate Hot Water Supply

If you’re finding that your hot water supply is running out faster than it used to, or the water isn’t as hot as it should be, it could be due to several issues. Sediment buildup in the tank can reduce its effective volume, meaning there’s less room for hot water. Additionally, components like heating elements (in electric heaters) or gas burners (in gas heaters) can wear out or become inefficient over time. Thermostats can also fail, leading to inconsistent water temperatures. These issues not only affect your comfort but also put additional strain on the heater, reducing its efficiency and lifespan. If repairs are frequent or the unit is old, replacing it might be more economical in the long run.

5. Rising Energy Bills

An unexpected increase in your energy bills can often be traced back to an inefficient or failing water heater. As heaters age, they generally become less efficient. Components wear out, sediment builds up, and the unit has to work harder to heat the same amount of water, using more energy in the process. If you’re noticing a significant and consistent increase in your utility bills, it’s worth checking the efficiency of your water heater. Modern water heaters, especially those that are energy star rated, are designed to be much more energy-efficient. Upgrading to a newer model can not only provide you with reliable hot water but also result in considerable energy savings over time.

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Can You Replace Your Water Heater By Yourself or Should You Contact a Professional?

Homeowners should not try to install a water heater by themselves. It is important to always contact a professional because they have the experience and skills needed to properly install a water heater. 

Installing it incorrectly can be dangerous and cause problems with your home’s plumbing system. An expert will also be able to help you choose the right water heater unit for your home and make sure it is installed correctly so that it works safely and efficiently.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Residential Water Heater?

The cost to replace a water heater can vary depending on several factors. The type of water heater you choose, the size of the tank, and the cost of labor in your area are all factors that can influence the overall cost.

On average, the cost of a new water heater and installation can range from $500 to $1,500. For a larger tank or a more complex installation, the cost can be even higher. Additionally, the energy efficiency of the new water heater can also impact the cost. While a more energy-efficient model may have a higher upfront cost, it can save you money on energy bills in the long run.

When considering the cost of replacing your water heater, it’s important to consult with a professional to get a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs and circumstances.

When Should You Replace Your Water Heater?  Making the Right Decision for Your Home

Replacing your water heater is an important decision that could have a major impact on the efficiency and cost of running your home. If you are experiencing any signs such as rust, corrosion, strange noises, or inadequate hot water supply then it may be time to replace your unit.

It’s best to contact a professional in order to ensure that the task is completed safely and correctly; they will also be able to help you choose the right type of water heater for your needs and budget. Although replacing a water heater can come with some upfront costs, energy-efficient models can save money in the long run by reducing energy bills over time.

So don’t wait until it’s too late – if you think it might be time for replacement, take action now!

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