Home Blog Pets 15 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Dog Hair: Grooming Needs

15 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Dog Hair: Grooming Needs


Dogs are often seen as one of the best parts of a happy household. They provide companionship and love to their owners and sometimes even help around the house! But to keep your dog healthy and active, you need to take care of its health all the time.

One thing that can be difficult for dog owners is keeping up with grooming needs. This post will go over some tips on how to maintain healthy dog hair, so your pup stays looking his or her best!

1. Brush your dog’s hair regularly

Brush your dog daily with a slicker brush to remove excess hair and keep it from matting. Use a wide-tooth comb to untangle the mess from the dog’s hair. It will help your dog to stay cleaner and smell better for longer. If your dog gets stuck in burrs, use a rubber glove to rub the fur against itself until it is free from all of them. This will not harm your pup’s coat or skin!

2. Keep on top of fleas

Flea prevention can be difficult because they are so small! We recommend monthly treatments with expert brands that kill fleas before they have the chance to bite your dog. It also prevents ticks that could carry Lyme disease if left untreated.

3. Bathe your dog regularly

Bathe your dog regularly

Bathing should be done at least once per month with appropriate shampoo and conditioner for dogs, or as needed if it gets dirty, like after playing outside in long grass or leaves. This will keep the oils on their skin healthy and stop any pests that might want to crawl into their fur!

4. Trim your dog’s nails regularly

Trimming your pup’s fingernails is essential, so they don’t grow too long- this can cause them pain when walking or running around! Even though it may seem complicated, you need to trim them every two weeks by using nail clippers. Ensure not to cut the nails too close to their skin and use a dog nail file to polish them.

5. Regularly brush your puppy’s fur

Even if you bathe your dog, they still need regular brushing with a wet/dry brush (with the bristles set by how coarse their hair is) or other appropriate tools. This will help remove dead skin cells, food particles, and dirt from the hairs on their coat that shampoo doesn’t clean thoroughly. It also helps keep any tangles out of their hair!

6. Use an electric dog comb instead of metal brushes

While some dogs may enjoy using metal combs when grooming themselves because it feels good on their skin- this isn’t always true for others! If you’re unsure what type of brush is best for your pet, try an electric dog comb first!

7. Avoid letting the hair get too long

Longer hair may be more difficult to groom, but it also makes some things like ticks and fleas harder for your pup to reach. Keep their fur short enough that you can easily brush all of it with a regular brush or another grooming tool – then give them a bath about every two weeks instead of once per month.

8. Keep in mind how your dog’s coat is likely distributed

Some breeds have dense coats where they will need brushing as often as daily, while others are considered “hairless” or “semi-haired.” You’ll want to use this information when deciding on what frequency your dog should receive baths if they don’t require bathing very often due to a lesser amount of fur.

9. Consider what type of coat they have when choosing hair products

It may be tempting to buy that funky-smelling shampoo from the store but make sure to take a closer look at the ingredients list before adding it to your cart. In general, you’ll want something that is labeled “all-natural” or contains no harmful chemicals. Some good options are oatmeal and avocado conditioners which can help keep their skin healthy too!

10. Pay attention to hair loss

If you have a furry friend with lots of hair, then pay attention to their hair loss. If you see their hair falling out more than usual, it may be a sign that they’re experiencing some sort of allergy. You can check for home remedies for dog hair loss and allergy relief on the internet.

11. Decide on what’s best for your dog

 Some dogs like to have their hair brushed and combed every day, while others may not want you anywhere near them with a brush! It is essential to know how often the dog needs grooming so you can provide the appropriate level of care. The frequency will depend largely on how much fur they have and if they are prone to matting or tangling in between baths.

12. For long-haired breeds, consider getting someone specializing in pet grooming

If you own something like a Poodle or Shih Tzu, finding somebody who does professional pet grooming may be necessary because these breeds require a lot of care.

13. While grooming, look for any signs of irritation

When you are brushing your dog’s hair with a brush or comb, it is important to pay close attention to the skin because if there is an allergic reaction, then this can be where you will see evidence of that first. Signs may include redness and swelling, which means there was something in their fur or on their skin they were sensitive to, like flea products or food ingredients that caused the problem.

14. Comb out mats by hand instead of cutting them off

While some pet owners would prefer not to deal with matting at all, this can lead to more severe problems down the line, so make sure before going through with scissors that these dogs have enough long hair between baths or groomings. You can also try brushing the dog with a rubber glove on your hand to get through any tangles.

15. Shedding

All dogs will shed over time, but some breeds have an increased amount of hair loss which is something you should be aware of when looking for a new companion! Shiba Inu’s and Chihuahuas are some types of dogs who may need more frequent grooming because they lose their coat so quickly. The best option to deal with shedding is by using clippers or scissors before bathing, as this makes it easier for them to clean themselves afterward and promotes healthy skin too.


Dog grooming is an important part of maintaining a happy household with your canine companion! There are many different types of dogs that need regular attention in regards to their coat which makes the process more difficult for owners. We hope these grooming tips will help you keep your pup looking his or her best and stay healthy.

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