Home Blog Career and Education 4 Effective Public Speaking Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

4 Effective Public Speaking Tips and Tricks You Need to Know


Are you glossophobic? You’re probably thinking — Wait, what did you call me? What the heck does that mean? It means you’ve got a case of glossophobia, more commonly referred to as a fear of public speaking.

The good news is, and this likely comes as no surprise, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re far from it. It’s estimated that around 75 percent of the population has a public speaking phobia. It’s understandable, too. Not many people can say they enjoy that kind of pressure and attention that need to deliver perfectly.

Effective public speaking is an invaluable skill across various contexts—whether delivering a presentation at work, speaking at a conference, leading a class, or even sharing stories at a social event. The ability to communicate ideas persuasively and engagingly can significantly impact your professional success, educational achievements, and personal connections.

Here, we’ve compiled some public speaking tips and tricks that won’t exactly make your fear go away but will instill you with the confidence to press on anyway. Additionally, you can read the book Speak with Confidence: Overcome Self-Doubt, Communicate Clearly, and Inspire Your Audience by Mike Acker. It is one of the best public speaking books and an essential new strategy guide for anyone seeking to improve their ability to speak to a group. This is what you need to know before you give your following speech.

Understand Your Audience (And Your Stage)

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of effective public speaking. Before you can captivate or persuade, you must know whom you are speaking to. This involves delving into your audience’s demographics, interests, expectations, and challenges.

If you know precisely who you’re speaking to, you’ll better know how to talk to them. Is your event professional and classy? Or is it more laid-back and carefree? Knowing your audience will allow you to cater to their personality types and ensure you’re not making jokes at a bunch of lawyers or being too formal around comedians. 

Furthermore, know where you’ll be giving your speech. With this in mind, you can visualize all the elements as you practice, preparing yourself for any distractions.

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

No one gives a perfectly delivered speech without practicing. Attend any public speaking training or hire a professional public speaking consultant from Thought-Leader, for example, and they’ll tell you to rehearse your speech close to death, giving you more confidence and knowledge on public speaking.

Memorization techniques, such as using mnemonic devices or breaking down your speech into manageable sections, can help deliver your speech confidently without being tethered to notes. Rehearsal is also a critical aspect of speech preparation, allowing you to fine-tune your pacing, familiarize yourself with your material, and adjust your delivery based on feedback.

If you’ve practiced countless times, you can confront these distractions quickly and move on. Even better, practice in a space full of madness, forcing you to pierce through the noise and carry on like a champ.

Business woman speaking 

Take your Time

Talking fast or too much is a surefire sign of anxiety. There’s nothing worse than being an audience member and feeling embarrassed for the person on stage. So, use your breath to slow you down.

Overcoming public speaking anxiety is a crucial step for many in mastering the art of effective communication. Strategies to overcome these nerves include thorough preparation and practice, which can build confidence in your material and delivery. Techniques such as deep breathing, positive visualization, and focusing on the message rather than the self can also help to calm nerves before and during a presentation. 

Additionally, embracing a mindset of viewing public speaking as an opportunity to share valuable information rather than performance can shift the perspective and reduce pressure.

Provide Value

What are you giving a speech on? Does it engage your audience or try to “sell” them? Are you connecting with them on a human level? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes.

They’ll be able to tell if you’re talking in a non-animated way about something you’re not precisely passionate about. Try to inspire your audience to pay attention by giving them something they can connect emotionally.

By conducting a thorough audience analysis, you can choose topics and language that resonate, anticipate questions that might arise, and avoid jargon that could alienate listeners. Moreover, understanding your audience allows you to connect personally, transforming your speech from a monologue into a dialogue where the audience feels seen, heard, and valued.

More Tips and Tricks

Creating a comprehensive list of public speaking tips can significantly enhance your presentation skills and confidence. Here are more tips to complement the foundational advice often found in blog posts:

Start Strong and Finish Stronger

“Start Strong and Finish Stronger” encapsulates the essence of delivering impactful presentations and speeches. Beginning with a compelling opening is crucial, as it sets the tone for the entire presentation and captivates your audience from the first moment. This might involve a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant story that resonates with your audience, ensuring their attention is hooked immediately.

Equally important is crafting a powerful conclusion that reinforces your main message and leaves a lasting impression. A strong finish can be achieved by summarizing critical points with conviction, presenting a call to action, or ending with a memorable quote or story that ties back to your opening. This approach not only ensures coherence and closure but also amplifies the impact of your message, encouraging your audience to reflect, act, or change their perspective. By mastering the art of starting strong and finishing stronger, speakers can transform ordinary presentations into memorable journeys that inspire and move their audiences.

Manage your Nerves

“Manage Your Nerves” is vital for effective public speaking, allowing speakers to transform nervous energy into a compelling presentation. Nervousness is a natural response to the prospect of speaking in front of an audience, but with the proper techniques, it can be controlled and even harnessed to enhance your delivery.

Deep breathing exercises are a cornerstone of managing nerves, helping to calm the mind and reduce physical symptoms of anxiety. Focusing on the message rather than oneself shifts the perspective from self-consciousness to the value being provided to the audience, thereby alleviating fear. Visualization techniques, where you imagine yourself succeeding and delivering your speech confidently, can also prepare your subconscious for a positive outcome.

Additionally, practicing your speech in various scenarios can build confidence and familiarity with your material, reducing the fear of the unknown. By embracing these strategies, speakers can mitigate the impact of nerves, ensuring their message is delivered with clarity and confidence, regardless of the butterflies in their stomachs.

Pay Attention to Voice and Pace

“Paying Attention to Voice and Pace” is crucial in public speaking, as it significantly influences how the audience receives and interprets your message. A monotone voice can make even the most exciting content seem dull, while a voice that fluctuates with enthusiasm and emphasis can captivate and engage.

Varying your pitch and pace helps maintain interest and highlight key points, signaling the audience when to pay extra attention. Strategic pauses allow your words to resonate and give the audience time to digest complex information, creating a rhythm that enhances comprehension. Fast pacing can convey excitement or urgency, whereas a slower pace can be used for emphasis or to allow the audience to reflect.

Mastering the use of voice and pace not only enhances the delivery of your message but also demonstrates confidence and control, making your speech more impactful. By fine-tuning these aspects of your presentation, you ensure that your audience remains engaged, understands your message clearly, and is moved by your words.

Use Visual Aids Wisely

“Using Visual Aids Wisely” is an art that enhances the effectiveness of your presentation by supporting and clarifying your message rather than overshadowing it. Visual aids, whether slides, charts, videos, or physical objects, should be thoughtfully integrated into your speech to illustrate points, provide evidence, and evoke emotions. 

They are a powerful tool to break down complex information into digestible, engaging visuals that reinforce your spoken words. However, it’s crucial to ensure these aids are not overly complicated or numerous, as they can distract or confuse the audience. The key is simplicity and relevance—each visual element must have a clear purpose and be directly tied to the content of your speech.

Additionally, practicing how you will interact with your visual aids during the presentation is essential to ensure a smooth delivery. By using visual aids wisely, you can create a more dynamic and memorable experience for your audience, making your message heard, seen, and felt.

Get Feedback

“Getting Feedback” is a pivotal step in honing your public speaking skills, offering insights into your performance from your audience’s perspective. Constructive feedback from peers, mentors, or audience members provides valuable critiques and commendations that can guide your improvement. It reveals areas of strength to build upon and highlights aspects that may require refinement, such as pacing, clarity, body language, or engagement techniques.

Encouraging an honest assessment of your presentation skills can uncover blind spots in your delivery that you might not have noticed. Recording and reviewing your speeches can also serve as a form of self-feedback, allowing you to analyze your performance critically. Actively seeking and thoughtfully processing feedback enables a continuous learning cycle, fostering growth and confidence in your public speaking abilities. By embracing feedback, speakers can adapt and evolve their style and content, ensuring that each presentation is more impactful than the last. 

Continuously Improve

“Continuously Improve” embodies the mindset of perpetual growth and development in the realm of public speaking. This journey of improvement is not about striving for perfection but about embracing each speaking opportunity as a learning experience. It involves setting personal benchmarks, reflecting on past performances, and identifying specific areas for enhancement, whether it’s mastering the art of storytelling, refining your speech structure, or improving audience engagement.

Incorporating new techniques, experimenting with different presentation styles, and staying abreast of effective communication trends are all part of this ongoing process. Seeking out diverse speaking opportunities, from formal presentations to informal gatherings, allows for practice in varied settings and audiences, further enriching your experience and adaptability. By adopting a mindset geared towards continuous improvement, speakers can evolve their skills, adapt to changing audience dynamics, and maintain a fresh and impactful approach to public speaking, ensuring that with each speech, they leave a more lasting impression.


In conclusion, mastering the art of public speaking involves understanding your audience, crafting compelling content, preparing meticulously, delivering with confidence, engaging your listeners, and overcoming the inevitable anxieties of standing in front of an audience. 

The journey to public speaking excellence is ongoing, filled with learning and growth at every turn. Embrace each speaking opportunity with enthusiasm and openness, for it is through practice and feedback that we truly hone our craft. If you keep these ideas in mind, your speech is sure to wow your audience — and who knows, you may even impress yourself!

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