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5 Business Fashion Trends to Inspire Your Wardrobe This Spring

5 Business Fashion Trends to Inspire Your Wardrobe This Spring

It’s almost springtime (yay!) and that means you are going to be able to wear skirts (finally). While choosing your own outfits in your free time is fine and dandy, you might be looking for some outfit ideas to introduce into your workplace fashion attempts. It’s time to introduce some bright colors into everyone else’s (and your) life, especially if you live anywhere with snow. If you’re trying to apply some creativity into your outfit styles

Here are some business ideas to inspire your wardrobe this spring:

1. Brilliant Peals

 Wearing silver and gold jewelry can seem a little less professional than wearing pearls to work. Pearls can compliment a variety of outfit styles and they let you maintain your professionalism without looking too “showy”. If you still want to wear jewelry in the workplace pearls are definitely your best option. It’s also an excuse to buy jewelry, if anyone needed that excuse (probably not).

You can either choose freshwater based pearls, or Japanese Akoya pearls depending on your price range. The professionals of Pure Pearls have clarified the differences so you can compare here if you’re trying to figure out the distinctions between both. Freshwater pearls tend to be moderately priced and they can be a cheaper addition of jewelry to your wardrobe.

 2.Professional Sweater Dresses

 Sweater dresses offer all the comfort, as well as the professionalism that you might need in the workplace. You can feel comfortable and still feel stylish when you are wearing the right sweater dress.  The weather in the spring can be either a combination of cold and warm it switches between both rather quickly. If you are looking to stay warm and cozy this is a great option for you. Neutral colored sweater dresses are a great option to stay work appropriate, with grey’s, black, and variation of tan colors screaming professionalism. If you want to make an appearance, but still stay snug, pick out your favorite sweater dress.

3. Pastel Hues

 Pastel hues color combinations can add a touch of color after an otherwise dreary winter. It’s a great way to make yourself feel bright and vibrant about the coming summertime, and you’re sure to get compliments at the office about your outfit. Pastel pink miniskirts combined with a light blue top or cardigan can really make you stand out. Of course, if the weather is too cold this might limit the color options that you have available to you. Keep an eye out for warmer weather so you can take this business outfit for a spin, and you will feel more fun doing it.

4. Bright Colored Cardigans

 Instead of skirting around brightness with pastel colors you can choose a brightly colored cardigan scheme to introduce into the workplace. The pants you’ll wear at the workplace will work better with a longer cardigan, and it will also compliment your color scheme. You can use a top with the same color as your cardigan to make yourself even brighter in the spring, or you can choose or an accent color. If you’re using an accent colored top, you might want to match the color with your shoes.

This can make you seem more coordinated and professional. If you don’t have a lot of colors in your closet, go out and buy more. Often we buy too many neutral and dark colors to seem like we are more business oriented, but this can take away from the fun of work.

5. High Waisted Flare Skirt

 High waisted flare skirts look better when you’re tucking in your top which makes your waistline appear more secure. Spring is the time for skirts and this is an awesome method of appearing professional while celebrating the time of year. You can also throw a blazer on top to complete your professional look. Black flare skirts look awesome with the largest palette of colors, and they are also far more complimenting to a professional environment. Have fun combining outfits when you’re creating your own “down to business” look.

None of these apply hard and fast rules that you need to follow when you’re creating a business outfit. However, prior to attempting any of these fashion styles make sure you are adhering to your workplace dress code and professional guidelines. There’s nothing worse than feeling good about yourself at work and being told you’re not allowed to dress a certain way. With the right outfit and the right style though, you’re sure to create some springtime enthusiasm, look professional, and feel good while you are down to business.

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