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5 Important Things To Keep In Mind When Considering Braces

5 Important Things To Keep In Mind When Considering Braces

Orthodontic treatment is a highly effective way of straightening teeth. Additionally, your teeth will be easier to keep clean, making them less likely to suffer from decay and toothaches in the future. When people think about getting braces, they often envision teenagers with braces. However, it is possible for adults to obtain braces. Choosing to have orthodontic treatment is not as straightforward as you might think. Dentist Glen Waverley  will guide you with the following five important things to keep in mind when considering braces:

The Cost  Of Getting Braces

The cost of putting braces on will depend on how badly your teeth are misaligned. You may need more examinations if you have serious problems like crossbites and overbites. Also, the cost of your braces will depend on the braces you choose for your teeth. However, the average price for placing braces on both the upper and lower teeth is between $3000 and $7000.

Even though braces may seem prohibitively expensive, there are several ways to reduce the cost. Check with your insurance company to see if they cover orthodontic treatment. Most insurance companies only cover orthodontic treatment for children up to the age of 18.

If your insurance does not cover orthodontic treatment, then you can search for an orthodontist who can offer you the services at a lower price with a variety of payment options, for instance, paying in instalments as opposed to paying in one lump sum.

Dealing With Discomfort After The Procedure

Braces may cause mild discomfort, but it is usually quite easy to handle. You feel discomfort when you get your braces on and those days after you have your wires tightened. The jaw may feel as though it is pressured. If the pain is a little bit too much for you, take a pain reliever, or try putting an ice pack or frozen vegetables against your jaw.

Sometimes you might get acute pain when the braces rub your cheeks or tongue. In this case, you can place a glob of braces wax on rubbing braces. It prevents your braces from rubbing against your cheeks.

Taking Care Of Your Mouth

Firstly, you need to avoid crunchy food that can cause the wires on your braces to break. Also, avoid overly sweet foods since they can cause bacteria and plaque to grow.

Putting on your braces will make brushing a bit more challenging. Make sure to brush thoroughly around every brace using a small head toothbrush. Every time you eat, floss thoroughly to prevent food particles from getting stuck.

Note: You can also protect your braces by using a mouthguard while playing sports. Using the guard will prevent damage to your braces if you are hit by a ball or someone’s elbow.

How Long You Will Wear The Braces

During your appointment, the orthodontist will give you an estimate of how long you will wear your braces. An orthodontist will give you an estimated time looking at your teeth. This time generally depends on how misaligned your teeth are. However, they might adjust the treatment period after observing how your mouth reacts to braces.

Which Foods Need To Be Avoided?

You will probably feel uncomfortable while wearing the braces for the first time, and your jaw might  be sore even after wearing them for a while. The orthodontist will recommend that you eat soft foods such as jelly and peanut butter sandwiches, pasta, and yogurt. You can gradually add foods you love to the diet as you become accustomed to wearing braces.

If you got traditional or ceramic braces, you need to avoid the foods mentioned below:

  • Sticky food like caramels, licorice, and gum.
  • Gummy candy and beef jerky are too chewy.
  • Very crunchy foods like crunchier chips, hard candy, and nuts.

Note: If you like food like apples, crunchy chips or corn on the cob, cut them into small pieces before you consume.

However,  if you have chosen Invisalign braces, you shouldn’t be worried about dieting. You might even get to heal faster than people who have opted for traditional braces! Drinking water with Invisalign braces on is fine, but you will have to remove them when you want to drink dark-coloured beverages and sugary liquids like tea or coffee.



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