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6 Helpful Pieces of Advice for Business Owners in 2021

6 Helpful Pieces of Advice for Business Owners in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has made 2020 a hard year for many businesses. Fortunately, 2021 looks brighter. A new vaccine will be available, and more people are using precautions like wearing masks. However, change will be slow, and companies will still need to think carefully about their strategies for the coming year. Here are some helpful pieces of advice for business owners.

1. Encourage Remote Work

You could already have many employees working from home temporarily, and 2021 is a great time to make it permanent. When people work from home, they can avoid stressful commutes and increase their productivity. You can also avoid paying for office space, utilities and many other expenses. Have meetings with employees and customers through Zoom or a similar program when possible, and focus on delivering your products or visiting people’s homes instead of hosting visitors at a store.

To work from home effectively, your team will need an effective CRM that employees can access from anywhere. Some companies give people an allowance for internet service and any equipment needed.

2. Create Interesting Content

Since people are spending lots of time at home during the pandemic, they’re going online more often. Entertain your customers when they’re feeling bored with some videos or educational articles. You can reach new customers and keep people from forgetting about you if you have to shut down for a while. Expanding your website or posting to social media is a cost-effective way to build your brand and increase sales. Make your site as user friendly as possible to let people who don’t have much online experience navigate it with ease.

3. Consider New Products

Even when the pandemic ends, many people will be more concerned about disease transmission than they were before. Many companies can increase profits by offering virtual versions of services that once required an in-person visit, like arranging an auto loan. Customers will also be interested in antibacterial products, air purifiers, and puzzles and games they can play at home. Many people will keep enjoying the hobbies they started in 2020 for years.

4. Take Plenty of Precautions

Clean often, require masks, limit the number of customers who can visit at once and take any other precautions that are practical for your business. Let people know that visiting your company is safe, and give your customers regular updates about changes in hours and company policies.

5. Be Green

People are more aware than ever of the importance of protecting the environment. Do your best to serve organic products with recyclable packaging. You can also reduce your company’s electricity needs and lower your bills with solar panels, better insulation or a more efficient HVAC system. Selling and using locally produced products is a great way to support your community’s economy and reduce pollution from transporting items long distances. Then, let your customers know about your company’s green practices. Many consumers are willing to pay more for environmentally responsible products.

6. Keep Your Employees Happy

Workers may feel stressed during the pandemic, and you should make an effort to keep them happy and productive. Let people work from home when possible, allow flexible hours and speak to workers often. A virtual happy hour or another online event can help people who are physically separated continue feeling like a team.

It is important for business owners to invest time and resources into proactively keeping their employees happy. One helpful way to do this is through the implementation of time clock apps. This can provide employees with a sense of autonomy, as they can choose a time and form of clocking in or out that fits their preferences and lifestyle. These time clock apps for employees make time tracking easier and more reliable, meaning that employees also have greater peace of mind when it comes to clocking in/out accurately.

With these helpful pieces of advice, your business can thrive and grow in 2021. You can prepare for the future by deciding on your company’s strategy now.

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