Home Blog Career and Education 7 Things That Shouldn’t Ever, Ever Show Up In Your Email Marketing

7 Things That Shouldn’t Ever, Ever Show Up In Your Email Marketing


Everyone makes mistakes, but at the end of the day, we must learn and rectify them in the future for better growth.

Have you been thinking about why your growth is static regarding email marketing? You may doubt the content or software you’ve been using for a long time. But before judging your growth, always ensure you avoid the mistakes that will be discussed in detail below:

1. Don’t write irrelevant or not-so-valuable content

Don’t write irrelevant or not-so-valuable content

The content should be the first and foremost thing that shouldn’t be messed up. The subject line and body of the email should contain valuable content relevant to the person and the brand.

A content check is necessary before sending an email

  • Readable
  • Know your Target Audience
  • Beneficial
  • Relevancy
  • Don’t overpromote a product

When you write irrelevant content for your target audience, you can never expect any improvement in your growth. It will be stagnant, and there’s no room for growth.

Any e-commerce platform needs to segment its audiences into different categories and engage with quality content. These problems can be sorted out when you look for a budget-friendly email marketing agency for your company.

Advanced segmentation features are required to know your audience better and to segment them. People prefer popular marketing softwares like Mailchimp, but reviews suggest that they do not have advanced segmentation features compared to other softwares. Here are a few Mailchimp Alternatives for you to know.

2. Stop focusing on promoting your products

Make sure you send your emails with a purpose. Do not be selfish in promoting your brand, your positivities, and your products. Remember that every customer is valuable, and their interests are more important than your brand in marketing.

When you keep talking more and more about your company, you will deviate from your goal, and the growth of your business remains the same. Promoting your product isn’t a bad idea. But when you do it, make sure that your promotion should be subtle, and love for your customers should be overpowering.

Best promoting ideas

  • Use a subject line that increases the curiosity of your customers
  • Suggest products that might be useful to your customers
  • Coupons and discounts- beneficial for your customers
  • The body of the text should make them feel special and should understand that the brand cares about them
  • Make use of different creative templates and visuals to highlight the essential points

3. Bombarding your customers with Emails

Every brand should be aware of sending email campaigns, follow-ups, or reminder messages to its customers. Maintain proper intervals between emails, so the users don’t feel overwhelmed or nudged.

Bombarding a person with soo many emails can make them either unsubscribe your page or assume it is a spam message.

So before following up with your customers, understand their interests and activities on your website. Make your emails more interesting and engaging rather than bombarding customers with useless information.

For instance, if a user abandons the cart and you want to send a triggered email, use different visuals and coupon codes to bring back your customers.

  • More than 263 Million American consumers shop online, that is 80% of the population (Statistica)
  • 56.64% of people love to shop online (Statistica)

The above chart suggests an increase in online shoppers post-covid lockdown, and people have started to adapt to a new culture of ordering from groceries to buying a smartphone.

The E-commerce industry has grown so much, and there’s a need for every company to use marketing software to send campaigns and automate emails.

Look at the woocommerce abandoned cart email, which helps you send your customers special discounts, coupons, and free delivery options to get your customers back and increase sales.

4. Cliched stories like other brands

Every brand has its own story, and each one’s journey is unique and inspiring. Remember this: just because a brand succeeded with a story, don’t use the same story to gain people’s attention toward your brand.

Always be true to yourself and your customers because that will skyrocket your business. Bluffing something for fame and customers can never help a brand withstand its position for a long time.

Be honest with your customers and openly convey your thoughts and stories with successes and failures. This act will put your brand in the limelight, and you will earn loyal customers who will be a part of your company’s journey.

5. Relying way too much on Automation

Automation has made things easier for many e-commerce platforms by saving time and increasing productivity. But relying too much on automated emails is impossible as bots can create boring or spammy subject lines and content.

Automations can be used for welcome popups, signup forms, and other minor activities a customer performs on a website. But personalization is essential to promote your business. In the case of Automation, personalizations can be made to an extent but can never write beautiful stories or subject lines with human emotions to them.

6. Not focusing on A/B testing

Several E-commerce platforms fail to use the technique of A/B testing for their email campaigns. A/B testing is very important to improve your click-through rates and understand your customers better.

Segment your customers and send two different kinds of emails to your customers. Then keenly monitor which one gets more open rates and continue using email templates like the one with more clicks.

If you fail to use this method, you’ll keep sending irrelevant emails to all the customers, and your campaigns will fail. To make this process easier, get a subscription from marketing softwares. Woocommerce email marketing can help you set up successful campaigns and build strong relationships with your customers.

7. Avoid minor mistakes while writing an Email

Every email should be adequately checked for minor mistakes before sending it to your customers. Use tools like Grammarly to avoid grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

  • Be mindful of what you are writing to your customers
  • Make sure all the sentences are polite and reader-friendly
  • Use the same font size and font style
  • Schedule it at the right time

If you are personalizing the emails for your customers,

  • Check the subject lines
  • First name of the user
  • User’s favorite products
  • Links for the landing page
  • Coupon codes

Wrapping up!

The above seven points will definitely help you improve your email marketing. If you made any mistake while sending campaigns, share it with me.

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