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7 Ways to Include More Organic Items in Your Home


Organic food is becoming more and more popular these days. There are many reasons why people opt for organic foods, but the most common reason is concerns about pesticides in their food. Organic fruits and vegetables typically have fewer chemicals sprayed on them, meaning they are safer to eat. If you want to start purchasing organic items at your grocery store, here are seven ways to include more organic items in your home.

Create a List of Items that you want to buy Organic


If you want to start buying organic food, make a list of all the items you need and create a separate shopping list for your local grocery store. This will ensure that you buy only organics!

You can also bring reusable bags whenever you shop. Plastic bags are horrible for the environment and can cause many problems if they are not disposed of properly. As an alternative, bring along reusable cloth or plastic bags when going to the supermarket so that this does not happen.

If you need more tips and advice, you may also read our article about switching to organic and natural shampoo and conditioner.

Make your Cleaning Products

There are many recipes for homemade cleaners out there, and they cost a fraction of the price of store-bought ones! You can even make these with ingredients in your kitchen, like lemon juice and baking soda. Start making natural home care products to use around your house instead of buying new chemicals all the time. This is also great if you want to reduce or eliminate harsh toxins from entering your environment at all!

Buy the Items at Grocery Stores with an Organic Section

Make sure you are shopping at stores that offer organic items! Check the signs on your local grocery store for where their organics section is located. If there isn’t one, talk to a manager and see if they can add more of them or special order some for you as well!

Buy from Online Shops instead of Going Out

Some people don’t have time to go grocery shopping because they work long hours or need something quickly after running errands nearby. Instead of going to the supermarket, opt for an online shop that delivers groceries right to your door! You can even buy produce here, too, which will save you tons of money compared to buying it every week at the farmers market. Online shops also tend not to be as crowded as physical stores so that you can get in and out faster.

Start Buying more Fresh Produce

Fresh produce is better for you than frozen or canned! When you get your grocery list ready, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. This will ensure that they taste great while saving money over a year because produce is cheaper during certain seasons!

Cook your Meals using only Organic Ingredients

There are many recipes out there that only require organic items! Try checking out a few cookbooks or websites for your local grocery store to see if they have any of these. You can even try using some fresh produce from the farmer’s market you buy at, so everything is completely natural and organic. This will ensure that all of your meals taste great while being free from chemicals and pesticides!

Replace some Household Cleaners with Natural Alternatives

Many household cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can harm your skin and even cause health problems over time. Make sure you read the labels on these products every few months to ensure they haven’t changed what’s inside! If there is a new ingredient, find some natural alternatives like baking soda or lemon juice instead.

Other Tips for Using Organic Items at Home

Incorporating organic items into our homes goes beyond just food and cleaning products. It’s a lifestyle choice that impacts our health, the environment, and even our wallets in positive ways. While many are familiar with the basics, like choosing organic produce or making homemade cleaners, there are numerous other strategies to fully embrace this eco-friendly way of living. Here are some additional tips for using organic items at home that might not immediately come to mind but can significantly enhance your organic lifestyle.

  • Opt for Organic Personal Care Products: Shampoos, soaps, lotions, and other personal care items often contain chemicals that can be harmful to our health and the environment. Switching to organic versions of these products can reduce your exposure to these substances and support sustainable practices.
  • Use Organic Gardening Practices: If you have a garden, consider using organic fertilizers and pest control methods. This not only benefits your plants but also ensures that the environment remains free from chemical pollutants.
  • Choose Organic Fabrics: For clothing, bed linens, and towels, opt for materials made from organic cotton, hemp, or bamboo. These fabrics are produced without harmful pesticides and chemicals, offering a healthier option for both the environment and your skin.
  • Reduce Waste with Organic Reusables: Instead of disposable items, choose reusable organic products. This could include items like organic cotton grocery bags, beeswax food wraps, and cloth napkins, which help reduce waste and exposure to plastics and other synthetic materials.
  • Support Organic Pet Products: If you have pets, look for organic pet food, treats, and grooming products. These items are made without the synthetic chemicals and fillers found in many conventional pet products, supporting your pet’s health and the planet.
  • Incorporate Organic Essential Oils: For natural fragrance and home remedies, use essential oils that are certified organic. These oils are free from synthetic additives and can be used for aromatherapy, homemade cleaning products, and natural health treatments.
  • Invest in Organic Furniture and Decor: When it’s time to furnish or redecorate your home, consider organic furniture made from natural materials like solid wood, organic upholstery, and natural latex. These choices reduce exposure to toxic flame retardants and other chemicals common in conventional furniture.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the benefits of organic living and share what you learn with friends and family. Education is a powerful tool for change and can help spread the organic lifestyle further.
  • Participate in Organic Community Initiatives: Join or support community gardens, co-ops, or other initiatives that promote organic practices. This is a great way to contribute to the organic movement while benefiting from shared knowledge and resources.

By integrating these additional organic practices into your home and lifestyle, you can further reduce your environmental footprint, support sustainable agriculture and industries, and live in a way that is healthier for both you and the planet. Adopting a more organic lifestyle is an ongoing process that evolves with new knowledge and opportunities, so stay curious and open to making changes that align with these values.


Organic items are more expensive than traditional ones, but they tend to be better for your health, too! If the extra cost is a bit high, start with just one or two organic products and work up from there. You will notice that buying them becomes easier each time after it’s no longer such an adjustment on your budget! So remember these tips whenever you go grocery shopping because we all want to eat healthy food year-round instead of only when it’s in season!

Additional Suggestions

  • For the best organic ingredients, you should get them at a farmer’s market that is known for selling organic produce.
  • Many household cleaners contain harsh chemicals. Fortunately, there are organic household cleaning products that are safer to use.

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