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8 Benefits of Living in a Tiny House

8 Benefits of Living in a Tiny House

Whether it’s due to concern about the environment, a growing interest in minimalism or simply a shift in priorities, dreams of living in a huge sprawling home are being replaced for many people by fantasies of a house that is just 20 or 30 square meters. Even if you’ve always thought a tiny house is not for you, the benefits below may persuade you.

Saving Money

You’ll save money on utilities and upkeep. Most tiny house dwellers are owners because one of the big attractions of such a lifestyle is being able to own your home even on a lower income. However, if you are renting, your monthly payments are likely to be very low as well.


Even if the environment is not high on your list of concerns, you will, by design, use less water and electricity in a tiny home. However, if a lighter carbon footprint is particularly important to you, a tiny house is the way to go. You can even purchase some prefab homes that run entirely on solar and wind power.

Less Housework

Whether you love or hate housework, you’ll have far less of it to do in a tiny home. Not only is there only a very small space that needs to be cleaned, but you will have far fewer possessions to clutter the place and gather possessions. In fact, even if you are not a tidy person by nature, you may become one in a tiny house simply because the space requirements mean that everything tends to have its place.

Better Lifestyle

If you love travel or fine dining or have hobbies that can be expensive, such as sailing, you may have resigned yourself to only indulging in what you love in short bursts of time. However, when you are spending far less money just to keep a roof over your head, you may have plenty more to spend on the things you love. A tiny house can really drive home the contrast between what you may think you need and what you really do need and allow you to live a lifestyle that makes you happier.

Easy to Customize

If you’ve always wanted to live in a hobbit house, a Swiss chalet or a traditional cabin, a tiny house makes it very easy to do so in a way that a conventional home would not. Tiny houses come in many different shapes and designs, and there are also many dedicated do-it-yourself communities of tiny house dwellers and builders that can help you get the tiny house experience of your dreams. If you’re someone who loves decorating for the holidays or switching out old decor for new frequently, a tiny house makes it much easier to do so on a budget.


While some tiny homes are built to remain stationary on a plot of land, others are made for the road. You could conceivably take your home with you wherever you want to go as long as it is overland. This flexibility isn’t desirable or necessary for all tiny home owners, but if it’s important to you, you can have it.

Growing With You

Tiny house living is great, but if you started out in one when you are single and now you have a spouse and a baby, you might be thinking that just a few more meters of space would be helpful. It’s easy to add onto a tiny home if necessary, and some prefab ones are especially designed to be built onto if desired. If you have accessibility needs due to a disability or age, making changes to a tiny home can be much cheaper than doing so in a traditional one.

A Simpler Life

The bottom line is that tiny home life is a simpler one because it forces you to scale down in every way. With less stuff comes fewer worries. If it’s always been your dream to focus more on the important things in life, this could be your chance. A tiny home is not for everyone, but you could try renting a Tiny House Australia for a holiday before deciding to go ahead with living in one full time.

You might never have considered living in such a small space, but don’t dismiss the idea out of hand. This revolution in living spaces that could put you in a smaller, cheaper, more sustainable environment might be just the change you are looking for.     

Author’s Bio: Matt McGrath is an avid traveler and a prominent writer in the blogging community. He has been to more than 50 countries. While he loves discovering new cultures and adventures, he is also passionate about sharing practical tips to his followers. If you love to travel and adventure, we recommend that you read and follow all his articles! More about him on his website – http://mattmcgrath.me/

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