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8 Tips on Choosing a Trustworthy Auto Mechanic

8 Tips on Choosing a Trustworthy Auto Mechanic

A good auto mechanic will keep your car on the road and extend its life and value.

It requires a little effort and research in order to find a mechanic that you feel comfortable entrusting your car with. An auto mechanic’s job is to keep your vehicle in tip-top condition and running smoothly, without undue wear and tear, and to ensure the mechanical safety of the vehicle.

The job requires proficiency and professionalism so that you can have faith that the auto mechanic is doing the best job for your vehicle.

Governor Automotive have complied 8 tips on choosing a trustworthy auto mechanic to help you to choose the right mechanic for you and your car.

1. Word of mouth

Recommendations go a long way when searching for a trustworthy auto mechanic. A trusted recommendation can save many hours of research time. Ask relatives and friends who they would recommend, or if you know someone with a vehicle the same make as yours, ask them who they use. Governor Automotive has many clients who have come as a result of personal recommendations, a so this is a two way thing – trustworthy auto mechanics with satisfied customers will naturally generate open recommendations.

2. Online Reviews

If recommendations are not forthcoming, you can always check online for auto mechanics in your area. Have a look at the websites and read all of the reviews – don’t just check one or two – to give you a general idea of their level of customer satisfaction. Check review dates also as some may be old and no longer relevant. Genuine positive and informative reviews are a good starting point for further investigation.

3. Accreditation

All trustworthy auto mechanics should be accredited to the industry standard. While doing your research ask what accreditations the workshops have. The Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers and the Motor Traders Association offer accreditation to auto mechanics who pledge to abide by the standards of the association. There are other associations which offer accreditation also, it is worth checking out the associations that offer the accreditation and what those standards are.   Most accredited auto mechanics will have their accreditations displayed in their workshop or office – you can cross check to see if they are registered.  Be sure to look for an option that offers All Vehicle Services as well.

4. Visit the Workshop

When you have narrowed the workshops down to a select few, it’s time to visit them and talk to the chief mechanic. Governor Automotive welcomes this approach as it gives the prospective customer a chance to see the workshop and how it works, before committing to having any work done on their vehicle.

You have the opportunity to look around the workshop and assess how well it is run; how long they have been in business and whether they specialize in any particular makes of vehicles, and what parts and services they provide. You can also ask about the standard of training the mechanics have achieved and if all of the staff are ASE-certified. All of this prior to you booking your car in. There are a number of things you can find out about the workshop just by visiting, so it’s a great opportunity to ask as many questions as you need to help you to make up your mind.

5. Book your car in for a small job

It is a very good idea to try out a prospective auto mechanic with a small, or unimportant job before booking your vehicle in for a major service. A small job allows you to experience the customer service and the quality of work without taking much risk. You will find out if the auto mechanic stands by their word on quotation, service, parts etc. and you will generally find out if they are a good fit with regard to customer service, quotation accuracy and timing.

6. Proven experience

An auto mechanic who has been operating for a number of years will have generated a reputation for good or bad business operation, so it is worth enquiring in the area about the workshop and its operation. A trustworthy auto mechanic will have built up a positive reputation within the area, so it is worth asking the local businesses if they would recommend their neighbour.

7. Workshop Efficiency

When visiting the auto mechanic’s workshop, take a good look around and observe the running of the workshop. Are they well organized? Do the staff get along well, or have a positive attitude? A happy workplace is often more efficient than one where there is lack of respect or discipline. Ask what the turnover of vehicles is, and how busy they are on average. This will give you some idea of their organization and efficiency of work.

8. Guarantees and Warrantees for work done

Governor Automotive offers guarantees for work done and warrantees on spare parts. Any reputable auto mechanic will offer written guarantees and warrantees on parts and labour. Needless to say, you would also expect a written quote prior to work being undertaken, as well as a full descriptive invoice when the work is completed. Discuss these things with the mechanic before confirming your booking, if there is any hesitation, then this is a red flag.

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