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A Buyer’s Guide to Bikers’ Clothing Patches

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You often see bikers wearing stylish jackets adorned with crafty patches. What purpose do these patches serve? Do they convey any message? Well, yes. For example, your biker patch symbolizes your biker club. Your club will have its motto and clubhouse. Without the patch, no one will consider you as a serious rider or a club member. This guide will assist you to understand some of the crucial things about a biker’s clothing patch.

1. Understand biker patches

Usually, members of various motorcycle clubs wear patches. It lets other people know that they belong to a gang or a club. Bikers usually stitch the patches at the back or front of their jacket, and the patches have the logo of the club and a motto. These clothing patches become a symbol of integrity. Bikers wear these patches with pride. They sometimes serve as a piece of decoration on the jacket while also promoting the biker’s character.

Biker clubs have stringent rules established by the founding members. Every member should make sure they follow and respect the rules and regulations of the club while riding. The patch is not a piece of cloth; it is a symbol of honor.

Biker patches differ in design from one club to another. Motorcycle associations have a different design compared to biker clubs. Biker clubs usually have a one-patch design while motorcycle associations have two patches.

2. Putting on biker patches

There is only one good way to put on your biker patch: sew it. Many people will tell you to use glue and stick it on your jacket. Even though it will work, it’s not the right way to honor your patch. Glue can discolor your patch after a few days. The glue will eventually come off after you wash the jacket a few times. You wouldn’t want your first biker patch to get discolored. It’s like getting your first cap in your cricketing career. You keep it as your prized possession.

These clothing patches will come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. Most biker patches have a renewable liner. Take the liner out. Use 100% nylon or 100% polyester thread. Don’t ever use cotton threads as they won’t last long. Make sure you select matching threads with that of the patch. Don’t use contrasting colors. The patch is not there to make you look funky.

Apart from the thread, you will also need a heavy-duty needle and thimble. Always keep the lining of the patch smooth. Make sure the patch sits evenly on your back or the front of your jacket. Make a few stitches to see the level and balance of the patch. Sew the rest.

3. Biker patch fabric

Biker patches look like badges made from denim or heavy cotton. The intricate design and the motto inscribed make the patch look stylish. But do you know how people make these patches? Let’s take a look at the embroidery coverage of a biker’s patch.

  • 50% embroidery

These patches don’t have too much embroidery. The designs are simple enough. They usually contain texts and not any logos. Usually, these patches have at least 50% twill background, and the rest embroidered carefully. Most importantly, these patches cost less compared to other patches.

  • 75% embroidery

These are the most common patches in the market. Most biking clubs prefer having a patch that has at least 75% embroidery. The letters and logo on these patches look more prominent. They are suitable for most designs you can think of.

  • 100% embroidery

This is the most expensive type of patches you will ever come across. And the price is justified. It doesn’t have even 1% of twill background. The entire patch contains embroidery, making it look like a piece of art. Clothing patches offers maximum details and has more accuracy than any other type of biker’s patches.

4. Meaning of different biker patches

You will see many bikers wearing single patches while some wearing double patches. But why do these patches differ? What do they mean? Here’s what you need to know.

  • One-piece patch

A single patch on the back or at the front means the rider belongs to a motorcycle organization or riding club. The patches may have different details, such as logo, club name, and club motto.

  • Three-piece patch

Many motorcycle clubs adopt rigorous rules and regulations. These clubs usually have a three-piece patch. It sets them apart from the regular clubs you often see. The centerpiece of the patch, in most cases, carries the club’s emblem. The top contains the name of the club, and the bottom consists of the club’s motto. Many riders also call three-piece patches as “colors.”

You can order your biker’s patch online. Make sure you have a name, logo, and motto ready. Your club should have specific rules on how the members should operate.

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