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A Frequent Flyer’s Guide to World Travel: 5 Ways You Can Travel More Often

A Frequent Flyer’s Guide to World Travel- 5 Ways You Can Travel More Often

Passionate adventurers understand that chasing wanderlust isn’t an option; it’s necessary to live a wholesome life. Exploring untouched jungles and finding your way through a bustling foreign city build character and confidence. You gain a new understanding of what makes each pocket of the world special and unique, especially when navigating unfamiliar cultures. All in all, venturing across the vast Earth will allow you to reach new levels of meaning. 

While travel offers endless opportunities for growth and excitement, it’s not always financially friendly. Round-trip flights worldwide are reputably pricey, not to mention booking transportation to and from the airport. Even finding reasonable lodging can be a nightmare and some weary travelers settle on spending hundreds of dollars a night just to rest their tired heads. Spending money is inevitable when you travel, but you can explore the world without breaking the bank with creative thinking and careful planning. 

Ready to see the world? Here are five ways you can travel more often. 

Consider a travel-friendly career

Successful travelers find careers that fit their lifestyle and get paid while they explore the world. If working with children is your forte, consider living with a foreign family as an au pair. Live-in au pairs receive free room and board and earn a decent salary. Additionally, a healthcare career is exceptionally fulfilling and will teach you transferable skills you can apply anywhere in the world. Compare different travel CNA positions, pay rates, and benefits by utilizing a marketplace like www.fusionmarketplace.com

Take weekend trips 

Who says an unforgettable excursion has to be weeks long? Take advantage of long weekends or take a quick weekend getaway to explore a close destination. Chances are your home state has much to offer, so take a moment to consider all the small towns or stunning landscapes you have yet to visit. Weekend trips will break up long stretches of grueling work and feed your insatiable wanderlust. 

Work remotely 

Finding a remote career is easier than you think, and all you’ll need is a laptop with a reliable internet connection. Consider freelancing as a social media manager or content producer where you can set your working hours. Work as a travel writer and live the ultimate adventure dream while you tell your personal wandering fairytale. 

Home exchange 

Swapping your home for another traveler’s humble abode is simple through exchange programs. Even if you live in an area low on tourist traffic, you’d be surprised how many adventures are interesting in exploring your town. Take time to carefully research the person who will stay in your house and the area you will be calling home across the world. 

Prioritize your adventure

Splurging on a luxurious dinner is fun, but think of how many meals abroad you can afford with that saved money. Reflect on your income, examine spending habits, and craft a detailed budget that you will fiercely abide by. Evaluate even the smallest of expenses, such as that unused HBO account or frivolous monthly beauty subscription. 

Get ready to jet-set 

Don’t waste time daydreaming about the ultimate vacation. Make it a reality by switching to a travel-friendly career. With a bit of self-restraint and a well-thought-out budget, you’ll save more than enough cash to fund your next adventure. Your wanderlust is calling, so go ahead, indulge yourself in the trip of a lifetime.

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