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How much do dog supplies cost

How much do dog supplies cost

This article is exceptional for dogs because everything about their equipment is essential! A dog is a creature that can be a friend, a rescuer, a faithful campaigner, and a warrior, regardless of its size, breed, and temperament. Proximity to a person has developed a fantastic ability to quickly adopt many living skills and relate correctly to many necessary dog supplies. Even the tamest and the domestic dog needs special equipment. What kind of gear for dogs do you need every day and for special occasions? Now we’ll tell you everything.

The main thing to remember is that the correct equipment is not needed to intimidate, control or restrain the pet. Its purpose is to protect the pet from unpleasant situations. All tailed beasts are different in size, character, activity, but everyone needs three things for along calm life:

  • collar or harness
  • leash
  • muzzle
  • jacket
  • smart ID tag

The collar is needed not only to control the dog on the street, although it is to it that the leash is attached for walking.  By its presence, you can distinguish a street dog from a pet. An address tag is hung on it, supplied with reflective elements. In a tense situation, you can hold your pet for this part of the gear. For this purpose and training, it is better to use collars with a handle.

Of course, the collar is not suitable for all pets: it can injure the neck. A more gentle version of such gear are harnesses. It takes the load off the neck and distributes it over the chest. It is believed that this accessory should not be used on puppies, as they are still forming a skeleton. It is recommended to be worn on adult animals of small and medium breeds. Harnesses are in the form of a loop, figure eight, with a lining, immediately with a leash. All of them are regulated so that the pet is comfortable walking in them. Waudog produces the best gear from various materials : leather, nylon, waterproof material, recycled cotton, in different colors and sizes. Here you can profitably buy dog harness online and quickly get high-quality gear.

To create a personalized collar or harness, you need to go to Waudog , choose a color, size, apply a specific engraving: the dog’s name, contact details of the owners, or the current residence address, and then buy accessories for dog online. So you can save great money and order a customized harness for your puppy.

Don’t waste time – buy dog products online

A harness for many small breeds and puppies is much better than a collar. It distributes the pressure during the snatch of the dog so that the effort is not only on the neck. The harness is handy during training because it does not deform the bones of a young dog. Some caution should be exercised with large breeds – the harness does not bother the dog so much that a large and robust dog can simply drag you along, fortunately, the load will not seem so serious to him. A too-large harness will not fit appropriately on the body and cause the dog to misbehave.

You can buy dog collars online on Waudog. There is a large selection of materials, and the most popular models are in leather and nylon. The user can even customize the collar by adding dog names or pictures. Do not forget about regular discounts on the site that will make it possible to order everything you need. Follow the link, stay tuned and share your feelings with us!

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