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Can You Ever Recover From Alcoholism?

Can You Ever Recover From Alcoholism

When an individual cannot control the use of a substance or depends on a substance to feel high or stable, that individual is said to be struggling with addiction. Alcohol is one of the many substances that can be abused— leading to addiction. When this happens, it is referred to as alcohol use disorder or alcoholism.

Chronic alcoholics can’t control the quantity of alcohol they consume and will always have trouble controlling their emotions when they are not drinking. Recovering from alcoholism is quite challenging. It is a serious disorder that has damaged and still affecting many lives negatively.

Understanding Alcoholism

When consumed, alcohol releases a psychoactive substance that causes users to feel relaxed and lose their sense of inhibition. Users also feel euphoric, experience mild pain reduction, as well as a high level of sociability. Alcohol causes some changes in the way the brain functions, and this makes it hard to quit. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to severe physical damage and long-term mental health risks.

Can Alcoholism be cured?

When it comes to any form of addiction, the earlier the addiction is arrested, the better. If the recovery process is initiated early, the chances of the abuser stopping are higher than when the addiction is deeply rooted.

It is almost impossible to recover from alcohol addiction without help. One might need the help of experts and support groups to guide one through the process.

For those wondering if there is a cure for alcoholism, the simple answer is no! However, many alcoholics have been able to fight this disorder and have won the battle against alcoholism, with the guidance of specialists helping them and providing treatments against their condition. Still, the condition doesn’t go away after treatment. Just like most chronic diseases, alcoholism treatments only help manage the condition so the addicts won’t relapse. Addicts have to learn to manage this condition for the rest of their lives and avoid relapsing. Statistically, about 40-60 percent of alcohol addicts relapse after treatment.

How to Treat Alcoholism

Just because there is no cure for alcoholism does not mean all hope is lost. Alcoholism can be managed through proper treatment, therapy, diligence, and commitment. The first thing to do to combat alcoholism is to find a treatment facility or rehab that offers research-based treatment for managing the condition and helping the affected individual recover.

By undergoing comprehensive treatments, alcohol addicts can stay sober for a long period. These treatments are designed to help alcohol addicts lead productive lives and control alcohol use for the long term. According to The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, apart from helping an alcohol addict learn to manage the condition, some of these treatments will also help them develop the skills they need to stay sober.

Some of these treatment methods include:

Mutual Help

One of the main needs of those battling alcoholism is love and support from people around them. It has been established that addicts respond better to treatments when people supporting them have also fought through the same condition. Mutual help groups are designed to provide the proper support, coaching, and resources to help people stay committed to abstinence and maintain a healthy recovery process.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapy is one of the main treatment methods for alcoholism. It involves learning to identify the situations that trigger alcohol cravings in an individual and coming up with strategies to substitute drinking for other healthy behaviors. It also focuses on engaging in regular activities that will help improve the level of motivation individuals battling alcoholism need to stay sober and deal with the personal issues that trigger drinking.

Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

Alcohol abuse can lead to mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and several other conditions. Identifying these conditions, addressing them, joining treatment programs, and managing these mental health disorders can help reduce an individual’s chances of returning to alcohol use.

Family Therapy

Sometimes the root cause of alcoholism and the struggle to stay sober points towards the individual’s family dynamics. If this is the case, the family therapy treatment method may be employed. This treatment method involves organizing counseling sessions with family members. This way, family members can truly understand what the individual is going through and learn different ways to help the person fight the condition. Providing love and support will help alcohol addicts stay motivated and display continued sobriety.

With these treatments and therapies, individuals fighting alcoholism can manage the condition throughout their life. Also, the chances of a relapse will be reduced, and the quality of life will be significantly improved.


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