Home Blog Damon Becnel Discusses 4 Habits of Highly Effective Website Traffic Builders

Damon Becnel Discusses 4 Habits of Highly Effective Website Traffic Builders

Damon Becnel with Daughter

There are many things you can do to get more visitors to your website. If you’re just starting, it’s hard to know where to start. There are so many articles about internet marketing on the Internet, and they all seem to contradict each other. In this article, I will share three habits that I’ve found successful for website traffic builders.

1. Optimize your website for search engine rankings

The first habit is optimizing your website for search engine rankings.  This will help because more people are searching for your product or service online, so it makes sense to have a website that ranks well in the search engines. This means adding keywords wherever possible throughout the site and taking care to avoid over-optimization of those keywords.

In the past, people have been guilty of over-optimizing their websites with keywords.  To get a higher ranking in search engines, sites would use too many exact match phrases and sentences just for SEO purposes. This will hurt your rankings because Google doesn’t want to show visitors irrelevant information when searching for something else. Suppose you optimize your website properly by adding keywords in relevant places without going overboard. In that case, you’ll be helping yourself out tremendously in getting more traffic from organic searches on Google or other major search engines like Bing and Yahoo!

2. Create a social media strategy to connect with potential customers

The second habit is to create a social media strategy.  In particular, Damon Becnel wants you to focus on Facebook and Twitter if your target audience uses one or both of those platforms frequently.

People are much more likely to connect with brands online today than they were five years ago because it’s easier for people to share information about their favorite products and services. Brands can gain free exposure by creating a page for the business to interact with customers that like them already and reach out to potential new customer bases who may be interested in what they have to offer. When using social media marketing channels such as these two, don’t just use clickbait titles and spammy links; instead, try to focus on providing value through interesting content that helps potential customers solve their problems.

Social media is a great way to help drive traffic from people who are already interested in what you have to offer.  By creating interesting content that your target audience likes and sharing it on social media channels frequented by those audiences, you can start developing a following for yourself as an authority figure in the industry. When someone shares your awesome blog post or another piece of valuable content with his followers, there’s no telling how many new visitors will come knocking at your door!

To get started driving more website traffic through these two platforms, check out HubSpot’s guide on How To Build A Social Media Strategy For Your Startup. This article provides helpful tips about businesses can use both Facebook and Twitter to grow their customer bases.

3. Avoid “link-bait” content that is not high quality or original

The last habit you should focus on is avoiding “link-bait” content.  This term refers to clickbait titles and other pieces of information that are designed simply to get people’s attention rather than provide value or help them solve their problems in any way.

People don’t like being tricked into clicking a link, so they’ll avoid sharing such articles online if they can tell what it is right off the bat. If your goal is website traffic, you will want to ensure that your content provides valuable information for visitors when they read it. As a business owner with an internet marketing strategy, the best thing you can do is create interesting and original blog posts and articles that add something unique and helpful to the conversation about similar subjects.

If you want to create content that gets shared online, make sure it’s helpful and has an element of surprise.  For example, if your business is in the food industry, one way to provide value would be by writing a blog post about how different foods can help people lose weight. This will not only attract new visitors who are interested in keeping up with this kind of information, but may also catch the attention of potential customers that didn’t know about your services before reading your article!

4.  Publish your content to attract new visitors

The last step is publishing your original, high-quality blog posts to drive more website traffic.  You can do this by creating a blog for the business with an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple for people interested in what you have to say about certain topics to stay up-to-date with all of your latest updates.

Once you’ve got some awesome pieces of content online, make sure they are easily accessible, so potential customers and fans know where to find them! If someone sees an interesting article on one platform but doesn’t see any way of getting notified when there’s a new post, he will most likely just forget about it after scrolling through his newsfeed once or twice.

That’s why it is important to make sure you have a blog that has an easy-to-use RSS feed and publishes your content on social media so people can share it with their friends or followers if they like what they see! By creating valuable blog posts and sharing them in the right places online, you’ll be well on your way to attracting more website traffic than ever before.

In conclusion, It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of marketing your website, but these four habits can help you stay on track and keep up with all that needs to be done. Don’t forget about how important it is for your business to have a strong digital presence! Keep in mind that you can attract potential customers by publishing helpful blog posts and sharing them on different platforms around the web.

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