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Easy to Follow Tips for Dog Grooming


Being a pet parent is a huge responsibility because apart from providing food and shelter for your dog, you also need to ensure that you give them ample care and attention. This includes spending time with them, walking them to help them release their energy, as well as grooming them regularly. In terms of the latter, below are some easy to follow tips for dog grooming.

Bathing your dog

Frequency of bathing

For your dog to have a healthy skin and coat, you must give them a regular bath. Bathing will also remove any unpleasant odor brought about by the dirt that has accumulated on their coat. For certain dogs with underlying skin or medical conditions, bathing can prove to be part of their treatment process. The frequency of bathing dogs depends on their particular needs and more often than not, many dogs are bathed only when necessary. This is because bathing them too frequently can likewise cause problems later on. The important thing is to establish a regular bathing schedule for your dog according to their needs.

Shampoo to use

In bathing your dogs, make sure to use a shampoo that is designed specifically for them. The pet experts behind Woof Bark Growl suggest that you test a small amount of shampoo first to a certain part of their skin to ensure that they will have no skin irritation or allergic reaction. As much as possible, go for a mild, hypoallergenic shampoo but if your dog has certain skin conditions, then it is best that you first consult with a vet to know which shampoo to use.

How to bathe your dog

You have the option of bathing your dog indoors or outdoors, depending on your living condition. Some dogs prefer to be bathed in the tub while others opt to be washed outside in the backyard. To help them enjoy bath time, you can start by stroking them gently and you can even bring in treats to reward them for their good behavior. This will allow your dog to associate bathing with positive things.

It is a good idea to brush your dog before bath time to untangle any mats or knots in his coat. Make sure to wet your dog’s hair all the way to his skin starting from his neck or chest area. As much as possible avoid wetting his head because dogs tend to be sensitive in that area. Also, keep in mind to prevent water from entering their ears because this can lead to an ear infection.

Brush your furry friend regularly

Brushing the hair of your furry friend regularly is important because it keeps their coat in good condition by removing the knots and tangles, as well as by distributing natural skin oils over the hair shaft. The frequency of brushing your dog depends on their coat type and length. Generally, dogs with shorter coats need to be brushed less often compared to dogs with a longer coat. In case your dog has lots of matting that you won’t be able to handle on your own, then it is better to take him to your local vet instead.

For your dog to enjoy brushing, begin handling them slowly by patting and stroking different parts of their body to calm them. After this, introduce them to a brush, using gentle strokes starting on the chest area. The key is in making sure that the entire experience is comfortable and soothing for him. In case your dog becomes uncomfortable, it is best to stop brushing and resume at a later time instead. A good idea is to keep your brushing sessions short to ensure that your pet is not overwhelmed by the process.

Don’t forget to trim their nails

The frequency of trimming a dog’s nails varies from one dog to another but the general rule is that as soon as their nails become too long, then they are due for trimming. In this case, all that you need to trim is a small amount off the tip. It will also be a good idea to ask your vet to show you the proper way of trimming the nails of your dog. They will show you how to do it safely through the use of a suitable nail clipper. Don’t trim too short because this can lead to bleeding and pain.

Inspect their ears too

It is important to inspect the ears of your dog to prevent any infection. When you notice your dog shaking his head uncontrollably, or you see an ear discharge, then it is time to go and see your local vet. They will be able to perform a routine check using an otoscope to see if there are any problems with your dog’s ears. After this, they can either prescribe medication or simply an ear cleaner. In case the ears of your dog seem perfectly fine, then it is better to leave it as-is instead of using any products that may potentially cause a problem.

Make sure that their gums and teeth are healthy

To ensure that the gums and teeth of your dog are healthy, you can provide safe treats such as dental chews. Otherwise, you can utilize a finger brush to help clean their teeth. Just be wary if you notice any bleeding on their gums because in this case, you may need to take them to a vet for further check-up. Bleeding gums can prevent them from eating because it may prove to be uncomfortable to do so. Hence, this can harm their overall health if they don’t get the nutrition they need.

Make sure that their gums and teeth are healthy

To wrap things up, it is not enough that you provide food and shelter for your dog, but you have to ensure that you exert the extra effort to groom them too. Aside from the tips mentioned above, also keep in mind to check their paws and eyes as well and ensure that these are in perfect condition. All these are geared towards making your dog not only aesthetically pleasing, but healthy too.

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