Home Blog Pets Foods People Eat That Are Poisonous To Dogs

Foods People Eat That Are Poisonous To Dogs


Some dogs are bottomless pits that will eat anything and everything that’s within eyesight. Other dogs just like a tasty treat every once in a while. You might not always have a second thought when you’re deciding to share some people’s food with your pup, but there are some meals for your dog that are better left without. If you’re wondering what those might be, here are some common foods people consume, but pets definitely should not:


There are plenty of fruits and veggies that are healthy for your furry friend, but grapes are not one of them. Even small amounts of grapes or their dried counterparts, raisins, can lead to severe problems with a dog’s kidneys. They may even significantly decrease urine production and if your pet isn’t peeing toxins out, that means they are going to stay in their body. Even a small amount of grapes or raisins can lead to potentially fatal consequences in smaller dogs. If you’re looking to give your pet some healthy fruits, stick to options like bananas or melons which pose no health risk.


You may have heard that milk isn’t the best food for cats, but dairy products are not the best for dogs either. People that are lactose intolerant as well these animals, do not have an enzyme called lactase. The sugar in dairy products like cheese is known as lactose, and this enzyme is necessary for breaking it down. When this sugar goes undigested it can lead to intestinal problems or diarrhea. Excessive diarrhea can become dangerous over time as it leads to issues like dehydration. If you are looking to keep your pet safe make sure they stay away from any dairy products.

Potatoes And Legumes

Potatoes, legumes, peas, and lentils are often added into dog food, but they can eventually lead to heart failure. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even issued warnings regarding the introduction of food additives from these sources into pet food. Dogs’ hearts may increase to disproportionate sizes from these foods and make it more difficult for this organ to function properly. There are safer foods to keep your dog happy and healthy, instead of getting them sick. Purebred dogs that are more likely to suffer from heart disease should especially stay away from foods sourced from these ingredients.


The popularity of avocados is booming on the internet as a superfood that is a great alternative to processed sources of fat. This is true when it concerns people, but what effect do avocados have on your dogs? Avocados have a compound in them called persin, which helps reduce the amount of fungus that grows on them. This compound is in higher concentrations on the skin of the avocado, and the plant itself, but some remains in the fleshy parts as well. There’s no known “safe” amount for dogs to consume, so they should stay away from this chemical as they’re not able to break it down properly.


I think most dog owners have a general idea that chocolate is bad for them, but not everyone knows how much. Some pet owners may think it’s okay to give their pup just “a little” chocolate, after all, how much damage could it do? Chocolate has a compound known as theobromine which humans can metabolism easily, but dogs cannot. Truth be told, you won’t know how much chocolate can harm your dog until it’s too late. You’ll need to be especially careful with small dogs, and keep dark chocolate stored safely away. Dark chocolate contains the highest concentrations of theobromine and can be fatal in certain doses.

Xylitol in Food

Artificial sweeteners are tricky in the sense that they are making their way into more and more “health” based products. Xylitol is especially worth looking out for due to its toxicity in dogs. This food additive is completely harmless to humans but can lead to severe health consequences in man’s best friend. Xylitol can reduce blood glucose in pets leading to hypoglycemia, which may induce seizures. Before giving your pets any human treats keep an eye out for this item.

Xylitol in Food

Dogs have been around people for a very long time, as such, they have developed similar digestive abilities to us. Although you might just be wanting to treat your furry family member, you could be hurting them as well. Always do a bit of research before giving your dog any food, or even have a conversation with your vet about healthy snacks. Eggs, carrots, and peanut butter are all great options for rewarding your pooch for being well-behaved. After knowing the dos and don’ts of dog food treats, will become like second nature to you.

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