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Guide to hiring a skip

Guide to hiring a skip

Hiring a skip is not as easy as it seems. There are a lot of factors to consider, such as the size of the skip, the type of waste you plan to put in it, and your location. In this guide, we will walk you through the process step-by-step so that you can make an informed decision when hiring a skip. We will also provide tips on how to save money when hiring a skip. Let’s get started!

Why hire a skip?

Skip Hire Kent is a very common and popular method to dispose of waste. If you clear out your garage or garden, for example, hiring a skip will save you the time and expense of paying for individual bin bags full of garbage.

Also, consider that before throwing something away, it’s always worth asking friends and family if they need it — you might be saving something from ending up in landfill.

What size skip do I need?

As a general rule, hire skips that are around half the size of your garden or garage. For example, if you have a three-bedroom house, it usually makes more sense to hire a six-yard skip than an eight-yard one.

Do some research on skip sizes to understand how much they can hold, then talk through the size of skip that you need with the company you plan to hire it from.

What type of waste will I put in my skip?

The type of waste you put into your skip will affect the price and where it can be placed on your property. For example, if you need to dispose of building rubble, skip hire companies typically allow them on the premises. For lighter waste such as cardboard and paper, you can usually find a nearby recycling center to collect it for free.

Set your budget

Before calling up skip hire companies, it is important to set your budget. A common misconception is that hiring a skip is expensive by default, but this need not be the case. If you’re struggling to find something that works for you, try searching cheap skip bin hire sydney or wherever you’re located and see what comes up. There’s sure to be something suited to your budget and requirements.

Find the right company

A good way to find a reliable company is by asking your friends or family for their recommendations. Another tip is to go online and check out reviews of companies on websites like Trustpilot.

Make sure you ask plenty of questions regarding items such as availability and deadlines on quotes. If possible, check out your potential hire company in person – this will give you the opportunity to see the quality of their work. If you’re looking for more tips on hiring a company, check out our previous blog post about what to look for in skip hire companies.


Now that you have everything you need to hire a skip, all that’s left is to go out there and do it! Remember, you don’t have to overpay for the hire – just take the time to find a company suited to your budget. If you follow this guide, you should be able to find something great at a good price.

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