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Have you recently been in an accident? Here is how to find a good social security disability attorney

Here is how to find a good social security disability attorney

If you have been in an accident and are no longer able to work, you may be wondering how you can stay on your feet. Fortunately for you, our government has programs and resources set up for those who can no longer support themselves through no fault of their own. Let’s see how one specific lawyer can help those with physical, mental, or psychological problems maintain a healthy and stable life.

Why should I hire a social security disability attorney?

A social security disability attorney is a professional who will collect and analyze your medical records to determine which information can help you obtain disability benefits.

The main reason why you should hire a social security disability attorney would be to help with the chances of you winning your legal or court case regarding a disability claim. Although some people are easily approved for benefits depending on their disability status and past claim history, some cases are much more complicated than others.

Statistics have shown that those who use a social security disability attorney to apply for disability benefits are much more likely to receive the vote on their side. Helping you with an initial consultation, discussion, application, hearing, and after the court case is complete, a  social security disability attorney will ensure your case is presented to the clients in the best way possible. Let us at Betz and Baril help you stay in the winning team when it comes to your social security disability benefits.

For those who need to file a disability claim in court, using a social security disability attorney ensures you did not miss any steps. If you do this procedure on your own, you may accidentally skip a crucial step in the application process that can lead to your filing being dismissed.

The steps of using a social security disability attorney

During the initial application for your disability claim, your social security disability attorney will offer you professional consultations regarding the onset date of your disability. This onset date refers to when the disability occurred and what caused it to prevent you from being able to hold a job.

The social security disability attorney will argue for your disability claim, making arguments regarding your condition’s severity. If your condition meets the pre-set list of impairments in the government’s blue book, it can help hone in on the most influential details when getting clients to provide you with the disability benefits.

At the reconsideration and hearing stage, your social security disability attorney plays an important role in collecting and presenting medical evidence to fight for your case and answer any questions the judge has for you at the hearing.


Finding the right social security disability attorney is a key step in securing disability benefits and staying on your feet. Although the process can seem confusing, finding a  social security disability attorney will ensure you have the strongest case possible when fighting in court. Your personal attorney will help you with the consultation, application filing, and court process to ensure you have a strong and medically backed case for disability benefits.

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