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Helpful Tips from Expert Event Planners

Helpful Tips from Expert Event Planners

Will you be able to pull it off? Yes you can! Whether you’re hosting a birthday party in Malvern or you’re planning your own wedding locally, we’re here to help you make it a success.

Of course, there’s a lot that goes into any event. But you can ensure you don’t become overwhelmed and that your party is talked about afterwards for the RIGHT reasons. With modern technology and services like Malvern flower delivery no one will even know you didn’t employ a professional to plan it all.

Don’t Do it Alone

You may be the organiser of the event but that doesn’t mean you should do everything alone. Along the way you will need assistance because when the crowds come on event day, one person won’t manage them all effectively.

Look for partners in the venture or ask for volunteers if it’s a family event. You also have to make the choice to stay open minded because this team may share their ideas and you have to consider them. For team morale you need to make them feel part of the planning.

Invest in Expert Creative Partners

On the day you may need assistance from professionals in the form of caterers, entertainers or florists. Help the Malvern flower delivery vendor and the local artists understand your goal for the day. This will help them give input about the best way their skills and resources can help you realise the dream.

It’s also smart to make these experts part of your team and even ask them to visit the venue with you. They may have ideas you never thought of.

Have a Sustainable Approach

These days, sustainable living is a hot topic and don’t underestimate this in event planning. Your client and guests will appreciate your green approach to events. This makes elements like natural wood decorations and flowers much more valuable than synthetic décor that will only end up in landfill once the day is over.

Always Try and Negotiate

When you’re looking for venues, vendors and products, don’t be too quick to agree to prices. You’re possibly buying in bulk and they hope to get more business when their products or services are showcased to a large group of people. So, discuss the possibility of discounted rates with vendors that quote and pick the one that makes your budget work.

Use Technology to Organise

To manage all these people and items, don’t get overwhelmed because you’re using outdated methods like pen and paper. Technology, such as cloud storage becomes a winning resource for event planning because you can easily share information with all important role players. You should use event rentals software to manage vendors, inventory, and can even generate quotations and invoices all in one place.

Apart from everyone having easy access to the information they need to help you; you won’t lose important data. When you need an invoice for payment or want to review a contract, you’ll know where to look instead of wasting precious time.

What can Go Wrong? What’s Plan B?

Unfortunately, even when you’re super organised, during the event and even in the days leading up to it, things can go wrong. Some aspects of events are simply out of your control and you’ll need to deal with the realities. For example, here are some awful scenarios that happen more often than you think:

  • What if the weatherman predicts rain even if it’s not the rainy season and you planned an outdoor event?
  • The performing artists can get sick and will need to cancel a day before.
  • Sound equipment can get damaged.
  • The venue itself may have problems, ranging from power issues to pest infestations.
  • Right before the event you may find out an important guest has a peanut allergy.

As event organiser you must handle these problems. You can’t have a backup plan for everything, but a smart approach is to plan for the most important aspects of the event. For example, if it’s a music evening, the entertainment and sound equipment will be non-negotiable elements while gift bags will be last on the list. However, if it’s a product launch, gift bags become much more important since they’re part of marketing.

So, make a list of the most important elements, consider worst case scenarios for those few factors and compile backup plans. This can be in the form of a complete plan-B or simply having numbers of other vendors on hand, so you don’t have to look for them when disaster strikes.

Practice Makes Perfect

With food, people, flowers, entertainment, weather and multiple other elements affecting your day, why not take away at least one of your concerns? The unknown. Doing a basic run through of the day with your whole team will help you see where you need improvements or changes. The bonus is everyone will relax when the big day comes, and you may even enjoy it.

Now Plan Like A Pro

How long before the big day? With proper planning and using these tips you can put together a prime event in record time.

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