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How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take?

How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take

Most people who are victims of motorcycle accidents haven’t had to go through the process of filing an insurance claim. This can add stress to the situation, particularly if you don’t know how the process will end. Knowing what to expect can give you peace of mind when you’re dealing with damages and injuries from a motorcycle crash. No two motorcycle accident cases are the same, and the time it takes to settle your case may vary.

However, many claims related to motorcycle wrecks follow a basic timeline. The settlement process often takes anywhere from a month to a month and a half after your accident. You may wait about a month before the insurance adjuster provides your initial settlement offer. After this, your attorney will discuss your settlement amount with you and negotiate the amount if it’s not high enough. This is usually a quick process.

Filing Your Claim

If you’re filing a claim for damages after being injured in a motorcycle accident, you’ll have to prove two things:

-the other driver was at fault

-the damages are worth the settlement amount you’re requesting

You’ll have to build a solid insurance claim to file against the insurance company of the at-fault driver. In cases where the other driver is totally at fault, the driver, as well as their insurance provider, is liable for all accident-related damages.

Most of the time, motorcycle accidents are resolved during this phase. If you can verify that the other driver was entirely responsible for the accident, the insurance company will likely approve the claim and pay the total amount owed. This process is usually expedient when you have minor injuries and don’t have any pre-existing conditions. For your claim, you will have to provide photos of your injuries, the damage to your motorcycle, and the accident scene.

It is important to include proof of your medical costs and a report from the doctor who is treating your injuries with your claim. Your insurance also needs to see that you’ve lost wages due to the motorcycle accident so you can be compensated. Get an estimate from a repair shop so you can let the insurance company know how much it will cost to fix or replace your vehicle. If there were witnesses at the accident scene, try to get a statement from them.

The more evidence you can provide, the less likely it is that the insurance company will make the claims process challenging for you.

Going Through Negotiations and Getting a Settlement

An insurance provider is constantly searching for ways to pay out the smallest amount of money possible. This means the insurance company could initially deny your claim or try to convince you to accept a low offer. Insurers will also try to prove that you were fully or partially at fault for the accident. They will look for anything to hurt your case. An example of this would be if you were suspected to be driving without a helmet.

The more complicated the case is, the more likely you’ll get resistance from the insurance company. This is where an experienced motorcycle accident attorney comes in. You can rely on your motorcycle accident lawyer to fight on your behalf so you can receive fair compensation from the insurance company.

Accepting a Settlement Offer

If you and your attorney can establish a fair settlement with the insurer, you’ll have to sign a release form. Your signature is proof that you’re settling your claim. Once you sign the form, you waive your right to sue the at-fault driver and agree to the settlement amount you’ve been offered.

Usually, this is where the settlement process ends, and you can expect to receive your money within about 5-7 business days. If you’re working with an attorney, they will usually get the settlement check first, deduct their fees and send you the remaining amount.

You can receive compensation if you suffered injuries as a cause of a motorcycle accident. It’s best to work with an attorney who has tried several motorcycle accident cases to ensure that you’ll get a fair settlement in a reasonable amount of time.

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