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How to Become a Security Guard Easily


The world in which we live has been developed in such a way that we need to work every day in order to enjoy its benefits. Some people will thoroughly enjoy this fact and others will fight the system every day of the week. I for one am one of those people that understand we have to make money in order to appreciate the nicer things in life so finding a job that I enjoy has always been a priority. There are so many people on this planet that ‘live to work’ and that sentence should very much be ‘work to live’. Everyone has their calling whether it’s for a trawlerman, designer, or joiner and we have a free choice to make. In this article, we explain how to become a security guard in a few simple steps. 

Age Restrictions 

In the United States, it is known that you have to be 18 years of age in order to become a security guard. If you are reading from somewhere other than the USA then you might be in luck as some countries will have a different requirement. For example, in British Colombia, Canada, you have to be 19 years of age to apply to be a security guard. In Hong Kong, however, you only have to be 17. Many other countries like Australia follow the general rule of 18 years. Understandably, in the USA, if you want to be in a position where you are armed then you’ll have to be at least 21. 

Have A Clean Criminal Record 

In order to move through the process of applying to become a security guard, it’s best, if not essential, to have a clean record. You’re going to be in a position of power and your employers need to know you are someone they can trust. A full background check will be completed as well as a drug test, and your fingerprints will be scanned. Depending on where you are in the world will alter how in-depth the checks will be, but remember that if you’re going for an armed position then they will find out anything they want to know. 


Again, this is something that will depend on which country you live, but as a general rule, it’s good to have a basic level of education throughout, whether that be High School, senior secondary school, or GCSEs. By this time you will be of the age required to become a security guard and there will be plenty of courses available for your perusal. I found out just how easy it is to apply and start my training as a security guard. Going with a known professional outfit is going to help you further down the line if you ever want to change firms. Enrolling in a course that won’t stand out on your CV is pointless and won’t help you progress in your career. 

How to Become a Security Guard Easily 2

Drivers License 

For any job that will require you to be available at all times of the day, it’s probably best that you get your driving license first. Not only does it mean you will have freedom of movement to get to and from work whenever your shifts are, but it’s also highly desirable for any employer. Your job might entail driving a security car or van, which will mean you’ll have to get it anyway. Save time and gain your license first. 

Complete Your Training 

Once you’ve completed all of these steps then it’s time to complete your training. Each country has its own training requirements depending on the level of your job, but it’s more than likely you will be trained in emergency procedures, how to professionally detain someone, property rights, and much more. Some firms will offer on the job training where you’ll be sent out with an experienced guard to show you the ropes whilst completing daily tasks. This can be a great way to learn if things don’t heat up too quickly. On top of this, you will probably receive yearly training updates to keep you updated and on your toes.  Be sure to check out options like hire security in London when you are ready as well.  Also, retail security is one of the most important thing before you start any retail business.


Once every step has been completed, congratulations, you have found a new career. Being a security guard is a rewarding job that offers many different sectors to work in. it’s your choice which one you chose to go into, you might find that guarding a university campus is something that you love, or maybe even working to protect staff in a bank. The possibilities are endless and you should enjoy every minute of it. 

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