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How to Make Chocolate Chip Pancakes

How to Make Chocolate Chip Pancakes

If you love pancakes and chocolate, then you’re going to want to try this easy recipe. Fluffy and delicious, these homemade chocolate chip pancakes will be the perfect breakfast to start your day!

To make this recipe you will need flour, milk, eggs, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones and whisk until smooth.


Pancakes are a classic breakfast dish that can be eaten with a variety of toppings, including butter, peanut butter, jam, strawberries, bananas, or real maple syrup. But did you know that you can also add chocolate chips to pancakes for a sweet, delicious treat?

These pancakes are so easy to make, and they only call for a few basic ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. They’re a great meal to prepare for busy mornings when you don’t have much time to cook.

The ingredients needed to make these pancakes include flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, melted butter, and eggs. Whisk the wet ingredients together until they are completely combined, then fold in the chocolate chips.

You’ll want to use a large mixing bowl to mix the ingredients. You can also sift the dry ingredients to remove any clumps of baking powder.

Once the ingredients are combined, add the egg, milk, and melted butter and whisk until everything is well combined. The batter should be thick and pourable, but not overly runny.

Next, pour or scoop out 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake on a nonstick skillet or griddle. You’ll need to adjust the heat as you cook, so watch for bubbles and a defined edge. Once the edges are dry and the pancakes are cooked through, flip them and continue cooking on the other side for an additional one to two minutes until they are golden brown.

These pancakes are a great way to start your day, and they’re perfect for feeding kids as well! You can also freeze them for up to three months, so you can enjoy them whenever you’re in need of a quick, healthy breakfast.


Chocolate chip pancakes are a decadent and delicious breakfast that can easily be made at home. These pancakes are also surprisingly healthy and are a great way to start the day.

You can make these pancakes with any mix-ins you want, including banana chunks or even macadamia nuts! You can also use white chocolate chips for a healthier option.

To make these pancakes you will need to mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. This includes the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients, such as milk, eggs, and melted butter.

After all the ingredients are mixed, you will need to let the mixture sit for 10 minutes before continuing to make the pancakes. This will help the ingredients bind together and make them fluffy.

The next step is to mix the batter until it has a lump-free consistency. You can achieve this by using a whisk.

Once the batter is ready, pour or scoop a quarter cup of the mixture into a hot pan or griddle. Add the desired amount of chocolate chips and then wait until bubbles appear on top, flip and cook until cooked through and browned on the other side.

When the pancakes are cooked, remove them from the griddle or pan and serve. These pancakes are delicious with any toppings you like, such as whipped cream or fresh strawberries!

You can also freeze the pancakes and enjoy them later. Just be sure to cover them with parchment paper so they don’t stick together!

These pancakes are best topped with butter and syrup. However, you can also douse them with strawberry sauce or homemade Nutella!

These pancakes are a delicious treat that will be enjoyed by the whole family. They are perfect for special occasions, but they can also be enjoyed as a quick and easy breakfast. They can also be prepared ahead of time and stored in the freezer for a convenient breakfast when you need them.


When it comes to cooking, there are a number of different techniques that can be used. These include melting butter, frying food, roasting food, grilling food, and baking food.

The cooking process is very important to the taste of foods as it changes the proteins and the shape of the ingredients. This can improve the flavor and also reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

A basic cooking technique involves sifting the dry ingredients together before adding liquid ingredients. The sifting ensures that lumps of the dry ingredients aren’t mixed in with the liquid ingredients and helps to prevent over-mixing.

Add the milk, melted butter, and eggs to the dry ingredients and whisk to combine. Once you’ve combined all of the ingredients, add in the chocolate chips.

Place a nonstick griddle or pan over medium-high heat. Once it’s hot, pour or scoop about 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle or pan.

Cook until bubbles form and the edges look dry and set, about two to three minutes. Flip the pancake and continue cooking until browned on the other side.

If the pancakes are browning too quickly, reduce the heat. This will help them to cook evenly and to keep from burning on the bottom.

To make the pancakes more delicious, add a pinch of salt and some granulated sugar to the batter. This will help to enhance the chocolate chips and make them more flavorful.

Another good idea is to add flavored extracts. These are available at most grocery stores and can be added to any recipe that calls for vanilla. This will change the flavor of the chocolate chips as well as the texture of the pancakes.

You can also make this recipe gluten-free by replacing the flour with all-purpose gluten-free flour. The result will be a much more fluffy pancake that’s still full of flavor!


A single serving of pancakes, with traditional toppings like butter and syrup, provides significant calories, fat, and carbohydrate. That’s not a lot of nutrition for a healthy breakfast.

You can reduce the calorie content of your chocolate chip pancakes by avoiding traditional frying and using a nonstick pan to cook them. You can also avoid the traditional butter and syrup by replacing it with nutrient-rich berries or other low-calorie, high-fiber toppings like fruit.

Make sure to use fresh ingredients, such as baking powder, because expired baking powder can cause the pancakes to not rise properly. Check the expiration date on the box before using it. If it’s still good, you can test it to make sure it’s active by dropping a small amount of baking powder into a glass of hot water.

To make your own chocolate chip pancakes, start by mixing all of the dry ingredients together. Flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt are all important components of the batter. It’s best to mix the dry ingredients well before adding in the wet ingredients.

Once everything is mixed together, you’ll need to add eggs and milk. The mixture should have some lumps in it, but don’t over-mix. If it’s too thick, add a bit more water or milk.

When you’re ready to cook the pancake mix, heat a nonstick pan or griddle over medium-high heat. Then pour slightly less than 1/4 cup of the pancake batter onto the griddle.

Wait until bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake, then flip it over and cook for an additional one to two minutes. After both sides are golden brown, remove the pancake from the griddle and serve with your favorite toppings!

This recipe is very easy to make and will satisfy your sweet tooth! To make it dairy-free, use cashew or almond milk in place of regular milk. And you can replace the eggs with an egg replacer if needed.

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