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How to Puppy-Proof Your Home

How to Puppy-Proof Your Home

Most kids have this dream of someday owning a dog of their own. When that time comes, they are thrilled, but they are also frightened of bringing one home. They sometimes think that their homes are not safe for the dog because of their curious, hyperactive, and playful demeanor.

Another notable characteristic of these cute little dogs is their untrained minds. Everything is new to them, and as expected, they do not know what’s safe or not

Before bringing a puppy home, run through some precautions to help protect them from any injuries. To give people an idea of these precautions, here is a list of ways on how to puppy-proof your home:

1. Put Food and Medications in a Secured Spot

Refrain from putting medicines, either for humans or dogs, on low tables, bathroom counters, or anywhere reachable by dogs. 16% of the calls received by ASPCA in 2014 were from dog owners whose pets swallowed human medicine. When dogs ingest a medication, especially for humans, it can result in seizures and even cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Moreover, some human food is very poisonous to dogs. With their curiosity, puppies will put anything in their mouths, so it’s best to store any food securely.

2. Use a Playpen

Having a playpen is very staple in any household with a puppy. If dog owners do not want their fur baby to roam around the house, a playpen is a good investment. Here are some tips on choosing the right playpen:

  • Assembly – Some people are fans of doing projects to cut expenses, and some want ready-made stuff. Whatever the case, one thing dog owners should look at a playpen is the ease of assembly. People need to research the playpen’s assembly process and assess its level of difficulty before buying it.
  • Portability – A portable playpen is best for canine lovers that are always on the go. Dog owners need to have a playpen that is compact for a smooth transfer from one place to another.
  • Dog Size – Choose a playpen that will make room for the puppy’s growth spurt. Please don’t pick a playpen that’s not tall enough for your dog; they’ll hop out of it. Moreover, select a playpen that accommodates the size of your dog. For example, don’t get a small one if your dog is a Tibetan Mastiff.
  • Weight – When choosing a playpen, consider how sturdy it is and how heavy it is. Playpens are either made from plastic, mesh, or metals. Those made with plastic or mesh are easier to pick up and to move around, but it is less sturdy. On the other hand, industry-grade metal playpens are sturdier and can withstand a puppy’s growing body. However, this also means that they are heavier than plastic ones.
  • Materials Used – Depending on your dog’s breed, some can chew on almost anything. The three primary materials used in creating a playpen are metal, mesh, and plastic. Pick a playpen that is durable enough to survive a series of chewing.

A puppy pen, or properly confined area, creates a safe space for dogs to play, rest, and eat without any fuss. It also gives you complete piece of mind when you are away and can’t fully supervise them.

3. Hide Your Cables

Like human babies, chewing relieves the pain caused by growing teeth, and puppies will chew on almost anything. They will gnaw on non-harmful things like slippers, but they can also munch on dangerous things like electrical cables. Chomping down on these cables can result in electric shock, or worse, electrocution.

Dog owners should secure their electric cords so their furry companions can’t play with them. Some of the techniques on keeping the electrical cables away from inquisitive puppies are:

  • Make ‘cable drawings.’ Shape the wires into drawings on the wall. This way, it will keep the cords away from the puppy’s mouth and beautify your home.
  • Cable wraps and protectors. Use cable wraps when maintaining your cords. This product keeps wires fastened together, and the hard plastic will prevent dogs from chewing on the cables.

4. Protect Furniture

Puppies still need to learn with what things to stay off from and what not to do. But even with training, they are curious and will probably break some rules. Any dog owner can relate to the hardheadedness of their dogs in sitting on furniture, especially sofas. Here are some tips to puppy-proof a piece of furniture:

Use Covers

  • The best way to puppy-proof a piece of furniture is to cover it up. People can use washable blankets, slipcovers, or throws to protect their sofas and chairs from fur and their dog’s wetting. This tip is much easier compared to vacuuming sofas every single day.
  • Pick Pet-Friendly Materials
  • When people with dogs or wanting to own one buys furniture, they need to choose those with these materials:
  • Leather – or pleather, makes cleaning easier. It is easier to clean with just wipes, and it does not attract dog hair.
  • Microfiber – unlike other woven materials, microfiber is stain-resistant and is impervious to wetting.

5. Store Trash Bins Inside Cabinets

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, and a trash bin can become a haven of food for them. Once located, they can make a mess out of your garbage. Make sure your containers can’t easily be broken into or knocked over.

You can also put them inside cabinets and install child-proof latches so your puppy can’t open it.

6. Create a Safe Backyard

The backyard needs puppy-proofing too. Your yard is one of the places your puppy can enjoy a little slice of nature without any hiccup. Read through some of the tips to make your backyard safe for your canine companion:

  • Block off all exits – a fence can keep your dog inside your yard and prevent them from running away. Also, block all the holes and cracks where they can slip through.
  • Remove harmful plants – Hydrangea and Azalea are some of the plants that can harm your dog. Although they are a beautiful addition to a garden, dogs can eat them, which will cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Having a puppy in your home is a great experience. However, to assure your fur baby the amount of fun they need, proofing your house is the most logical approach. Not only will it safeguard your belongings, but it will also maintain a safe and secure environment for your puppy.

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