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Ping Pong Table Price – A Guide To The Best Option Within Your Price Range


These days, with the help of both professional and entertaining ping pong tables designed for home use, you can easily organize a good match right in your living space. 

But to be able to find one that fits your preference and, at the same time, stay within your budget, you must learn a thing or two about ping pong table price. 

The table below contains all the basic information about ping pong table types and how much they are supposed to cost. Also, here is a trusted site selling high-quality and affordable table caps

Types of Ping Pong table Price Range Activities
Indoor  $200 – $400 Practice
Outdoor $400 – $800 Recreational
Mini  $100 – $200 Recreational
Ping pong conversion top $200 – $300 Recreational
High-end  $1000+ Competition


What Decides The Ping Pong Table Price?


Material is known as the deciding factor in your selection of ping pong tables, being the one with the closest relation to the product’s bounce and solidity. Through several tests and analyses of our expert team, we have made a comparison between the most common ping pong top’s materials according to their performance and ability, and we will show it to you right now.

MDF (medium-density fiberboard)

classic ping pong table

Despite being surrounded by a lot of capable competitors, MDF still emerges as the top recommendation for high-end ping pong top material.  Its build quality can easily give one an impression that those inventing it did so with fulfilling a ping pong player’s biggest desire in mind. Any table made out of this has both consistency and unparalleled smoothness – the ideal formula for excellent bounces hard to achieve with any other materials.

When factoring in the price, MDF also takes the crown, for its manufacturing cost is far cheaper, leading to the fact any product made out of it is more on the affordable side. In fact, beside the premium options, you might find various ping pong conversion top or mini tables from this material due to this reason.

There is a catch to all of this, though. If you purchase a table like this, you need to remember that solid support is required. Otherwise, it might warp since MDF is not known for having a solid texture.


Plenty of ping pong players prefer plywood tables over MDF, saying that since the material is characterized by the solid construction and ultra-resilient surface, to a certain level, it can put an end to all your concerns about wearing or chirping. Rigidity is another selling point, as the high level of density brings the table quite a decent anti-warp shell.

On top of that, plywood ping pong tables often receive praises about how consistent the bounce they generate all across the playing surface can be, making them a wonderful pick for players of all experience levels.

But we consider plywood tops second to MDF, as they simply have so many flaws that never quite let you achieve the right sense of satisfaction. As solid as they can be, their durability is below your expectation, and unless you want them to go down in quality soon, frequent maintenance is a must. Outdoor games are also out of the question since their texture cannot last against intense temperatures and high humidity.


We doubt that metal will ever make it to the list of ITTF-approved ping pong top materials, but if you are in need of an affordable outdoor table for some weekend fun, this is no doubt the safest bet. 

A staple of the construction field itself is probably one among the toughest substances globally; metal playing surfaces have no fear of heat or humidity, no matter how intense it might seem. It is the furthest thing from delicate, so you can apply all the force you want on it as well. 

Price is no real matter for a ping pong table like this as well. The metals used in ping pong surface manufacturing are the most basic ones you can find, with aluminum among the common choices. Their mass production and wide availability help bring the cost to an acceptable level to all.

However, since there is nothing exceptional about the material’s quality and construction build, bounce is not its strongest point.

Table legs

Ping pong table legs are the very part that keeps your playing surface stable on the ground, so you need to pay attention to them during your shopping trip for the best experience later on.


No matter which sport store you drop by, you will always see steel legs make up the majority of ping pong table’s sources of support. They can be reinforced with powder coats or sold along with rubber height adjusters, but steel is always what they all share in common. 

Only one explanation for this: The metal’s resistance to wrap, bend, and its ability to stand strong against strong force have given it quite a long-standing reputation in the construction field. This encourages ping pong table developers to regularly use steel in the leg production process.


Aluminum falls behind steels when it comes to overall strength and endurance, so be aware that ping pong table legs made of this material will accumulate scratches over time. 

That being said, the metal outmatches plenty of other things if you look at the flexibility and corrosion resistance first. Even without coating, rust will be the last thing you have to worry about. All these properties make it a suitable choice for outdoor tables, despite the various weaknesses.


We admit that buying from brands might require you to spend more than a regular option from the local shop, but the experience they offer is worth every single penny. 

Stiga, JOOLA, Cornilleau, and Killerspin are the household names that always come to experienced players’ minds whenever any question related to the brand is brought up. If you wonder, they are all approved by ITTF and meet all the standards for formal competitions.

Also, suppliers with a long-standing reputation or from top exporters, Germany is a prime example, are likely to charge their products with a price higher than usual.

Where Should You Get Your Ping Pong Table?

Ping pong has already boomed in popularity, and products serving players’ needs are all over the market by now. But by no means should you buy anything without a second thought, even when it appears to be from a premium brand, if you do not want to end up with a low-quality counterfeit. 

The best option here is to find equipment for your game from the branches of well-known brands in your area. If you fail to find any, the eCommerce websites seem to be the only option left, yet, keep in mind that you have to go to the brand’s official stores. 


Above is the list of the integral factors that can impact the ping pong table price. As you can see, tabletop material, leg material, and brands are the three main factors that decide how much you need to pay to have your own ping pong set at home. 

It is not necessary to get one that costs a fortune. If you’re still freaked out, I recommend you visit the website Ping Pong Start, a ping pong affiliate website. Brixton Johansson helps you choose the top table tennis equipment. 

About the table tennis table, if you need an indoor table tennis table for practice, visit: Best table tennis table. If you want a ping pong table just for recreational, visit: Best outdoor ping pong table

Remember that you should take your purpose into consideration beforehand. By doing so, you will never have any grievance later on. 

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