Home Blog Career and Education Reasons to Consider Life Coaching as a Career

Reasons to Consider Life Coaching as a Career


Tired of your current job and ready for a new challenge? Before starting a random job, take a few deep breaths and think about what you want to do. Having more of an idea of what you want to do and what you enjoy can help make finding the right job easier. Instead of rushing through multiple job applicants, you can focus on a few specific jobs and make your materials as good as possible.

And if you’re currently reading this article because the title sounded intriguing, you are likely interested in learning more about life coaching as a career!

Is a life coach a therapist?

A life coach is different from a counselor or therapist. A life coach helps people identify their personal or professional goals and then helps them develop a plan to achieve those goals. They help people struggling to achieve their goals because of procrastination, fear of failure, or lack of confidence. 

While a therapist works with people to identify past problems and work through emotions, a life coach is all about goal setting and moving forward. 

Enjoy being around others

If you find joy in spending time with others and have a natural inclination to lend an empathetic ear, considering a career in life coaching might be a fulfilling choice. Life coaching involves not only socializing but also active listening. If you derive satisfaction from understanding people’s aspirations, aiding them in identifying their goals, and collaboratively devising practical solutions, then pursuing a path in life coaching allows you to turn your enjoyment of these activities into a rewarding profession. It’s an opportunity to get paid for doing something you genuinely love – connecting with others, helping them discover their potential, and guiding them toward achieving meaningful objectives.

Smiling Arabic male mentor or coach sits in a circle with diverse patients counseling help overcome life problems; multiethnic young people share thoughts and speak at a psychological therapy session

Help through problems you have experienced

A career in life coaching becomes especially meaningful if you’ve triumphed over challenges in your own life and desire to assist others facing similar difficulties. Whether your experiences are positive or negative, they hold significant value. Your life journey, with its unique ups and downs, can be a powerful resource in supporting others. Suppose you’re open to sharing and using your personal experiences to guide individuals grappling with their adversities empathetically. In that case, you have the potential to be a valuable source of inspiration and support for someone navigating through life’s challenges.

By offering insights derived from your journey, you provide practical advice and establish a genuine connection with those seeking guidance. Your willingness to share and your firsthand understanding of overcoming obstacles position you as a relatable and empathetic figure. In life coaching, your ability to turn personal experiences into sources of strength can profoundly impact others, offering them hope and a path forward in their struggles.

Extensive knowledge

Becoming a life coach becomes a compelling option if you possess deep expertise in a specific area and want to assist others in reaching their goals within that field. Let’s say you have a wealth of background in architecture and have dedicated years to working in an architecture firm. In this scenario, you have the potential to guide individuals who share an interest in pursuing a career in architecture but might be facing challenges breaking into the industry. Your extensive background in a particular domain equips you with valuable insights that can help others navigate hurdles and make strides toward their aspirations.

Specializing in a specific area allows you to offer targeted and meaningful guidance, drawing from your firsthand experiences and wisdom. Whether it’s sharing practical tips, industry insights, or mentorship, your expertise can make a significant difference for individuals aspiring to excel in the same field. Being a life coach with a specialty allows you to contribute to others’ success and provides a fulfilling way to share your knowledge and passion with those on a similar journey.

Live within your values

Opting for a career in life coaching offers a unique advantage – the ability to align your work with your values. Unlike some professions where you might need to conform to your employer’s values, life coaching allows you to choose clients in harmony with your principles. This means you can tailor your practice to reflect your values, fostering a work environment that resonates with your beliefs. Although your clients may not always share identical values, you can decline to work with individuals whose values significantly diverge from yours, ensuring that your coaching engagements remain within your comfort zone.

This freedom to live within your values as a life coach contributes to a more authentic and fulfilling professional journey. It empowers you to build a practice that reflects who you are and allows you to make ethical decisions aligned with your principles. By embracing this flexibility, you create a more harmonious work-life balance and establish a coaching practice that feels genuinely meaningful and congruent with your ethos.

Flexibility in hours

A career in life coaching becomes appealing if you desire a job that offers flexibility in your daily schedule. Unlike traditional 9-to-5 jobs that can feel draining, life coaching allows you to take control of your hours. While you may need to make some adjustments based on your clients’ availability, the beauty of life coaching lies in the freedom to set your own waking and sleeping hours. This flexibility accommodates your personal preferences and allows you to design a work routine that aligns with your natural energy levels and optimal productivity times.

High Demand

The need for life coaches is on the rise as more people actively seek guidance to navigate life’s challenges and strive for personal fulfillment. The increasing demand for these services reflects a societal shift where individuals recognize the value of having a supportive guide on their journey. Whether facing career transitions, relationship dilemmas, or personal development goals, people are turning to life coaches to provide the tools and insights needed to overcome obstacles and enhance their overall well-being. This growing demand highlights the significance of the life coaching profession. It suggests an expanding awareness of a skilled life coach’s positive impact in helping individuals achieve a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Diverse Clientele

Engage with a diverse clientele when you embark on a career in life coaching, tackling a wide array of life aspects. Your clients may come from different walks of life, seeking support in navigating challenges such as career transitions or managing personal relationships. This diversity adds richness to your professional experience and allows you to develop a versatile skill set. As a life coach, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with individuals with distinct backgrounds, goals, and aspirations, providing tailored guidance to help them overcome obstacles and move toward a more fulfilling life. This aspect of the profession ensures that each day brings new and unique opportunities for personal and professional growth as you assist clients in their diverse journeys.

How to become a life coach?

If the idea of becoming a life coach sounds appealing, you need to familiarize yourself with the steps to become a coach. Certification and accreditation programs will help you discover your life coach vision, learn the necessary skills, and begin transitioning into the world of life coaching. 

Most life coaches operate their businesses, so you must be prepared to market yourself to potential clients and find the right clients. You may discover you have a specific interest and only take clients within that interest range. For example, maybe you’re more interested in coaching people through finding a relationship and not so interested in helping people find careers.


If you’re ready for a career change, enjoy working with others, and want to help others achieve their personal goals, why not try life coaching? Remember that obtaining a certificate and launching your own business might take some time, so start the transition process while you’re still employed in another job.

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