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The 10 Warning Signs of Mould Toxicity

The 10 Warning Signs of Mould Toxicity

Mould toxicity is a hidden problem in homes and offices across the world. Mould toxins can quietly seep into your home or office and make you sick without the property’s occupants even being aware, as mould is not visible to the human eye. Because mould can be concealed in a home, the question of how you can determine if you have mould toxicity should arise for any homeowner.

The following are ten warning signs to watch out for that will be an indication to acquire the professional to perform a hazardous materials assessment in your home.

1. Constant Sinus Congestion

If you’re constantly experiencing congestion and sinus pain, it could signify mould toxicity. Moulds flourish in damp, humid environments, and the inside of your home can be the perfect host. Symptoms are often mistaken for allergies, which can be treated with antihistamines. But the only natural cure for sinus congestion is getting rid of the moulds causing it.

2. Unexplained Fatigue or Low Energy Levels

Another common sign of mould toxicity is unexplained fatigue or low energy levels. You may suffer from mould toxicity if you’re always tired and have no reason to be. Again, this is because of the damp conditions inside your body which attract fungus growths like moulds and bacteria. This causes inflammation which in turn makes us feel fatigued and sluggish. The best way to reverse this symptom is to eliminate these foreign invaders from your system as quickly as possible so they can’t do any more damage.

3. Lack of Mental Clarity or “Brain Fog.”

If you’ve been feeling foggy-headed, it could be a sign of mould toxicity. Mould can release toxins that will impact the nervous system and brain functions, which can cause brain fog and general confusion. The mould toxins can also impact the hippocampus that is responsible for memory and protects against infections, further exacerbating the brain fog and congestion symptoms you can experience.

4. Hormone Imbalances

A common symptom associated with mould toxicity is hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance can subsequently contribute to depression, anxiety, fatigue, abnormal and poor sleeping quality, and fluctuations in weight. More so, mould toxins that result in hormone imbalanaces can also culminate into thyroid problems and bloating around your face and worsening PMS symptoms and heavier bleeding. If you notice any of these varied issues have become prevelant in your life, you might want to go to your healthcare provider to get checked out.

5. Mood Disorders

Mould can affect your mood, causing depression and anxiety. When you inhale the toxic spores, they attack your central nervous system and can cause feelings of fear, panic, and paranoia. Some people have even reported feeling suicidal after mould exposure.

6. Migraines and Headaches

Mould produces mycotoxins that can trigger headaches and migraine attacks in sensitive individuals. These toxins can also cause digestive issues like gas, bloating, and stomach pain which might be another reason why you’re experiencing headaches.

7. Muscle Aches

People exposed to mould frequently experience chronic muscle aches and joint pain in their shoulders, arms, hands, and legs. These aches tend to worsen at night when you lie down to sleep because your body relaxes more than during the day when it’s busy fighting off toxins from the inside out! In addition to these aches and pains, people exposed to high levels of mould may also experience fatigue or exhaustion due to their bodies having fewer energy reserves since they’re constantly trying to heal themselves from toxic exposure.

8. Memory Loss or Reduced Cognitive Function

Mild to moderate memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of mould toxicity. This can be experienced as a general reduction in cognitive function, which may be subtle and gradual or more noticeable and sudden.

9. Chemical Sensitivities, Allergies, and Multiple Food Intolerances

People with allergies or sensitivities to hazardous materials assessment may worsen their symptoms when exposed to chemicals from moulds such as formaldehyde, mycotoxins, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Moulds can also produce biogenic amines (BAs), which are known to cause allergic reactions in some people. In addition, people with multiple food intolerances often find that they can tolerate fewer types of foods than they used to take before being exposed to moulds. These intolerances can include a variety of foods such as dairy, wheat, and other grains, eggs, and soy products.

10. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by overwhelming fatigue that is not alleviated by rest and may be worsened by physical or mental activity. Some people also experience muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, poor sleep, and depression. CFS can be disabling, with some people being bedridden for years.


Mould toxicity should not be taken lightly, and neither should mould remediation. Regardless of age or health status, all persons should be aware of the risks associated with hazardous materials assessment. Understanding what to look for is the first step in ensuring that your mould exposure is at a minimum.


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