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The Benefits of Using a Meeting Room Device

Meeting Room Device

Bright meeting rooms eliminate barriers such as geographical location and time zones. They help teams collaborate effectively and provide access to tools and functionalities that optimize their video conferencing experience.

Some devices include specialist features that help improve audio quality. For example, dual displays allow participants to view content and each other in full screen – improving meeting equity.

Improved Communication

Meetings can be a real productivity drain – over PS37 billion is wasted yearly, and professionals spend an average of 31 hours a month attending unproductive calls. Using the latest intelligent video technology can streamline meetings and reduce waste.

A state-of-the-art display can provide a crisp 4K UHD image; some have specialist features for improved video collaboration. Neat Bar, for example, uses a face-centric algorithm to display each person evenly on-screen – improving meeting equity and helping participants feel more connected to one another during a call.

High-quality sound is also crucial, ensuring everyone can be heard during a conference call. Some AV devices have audio capture subsystems that replace the traditional microphone and speaker with a central unit and multiple directional microphone consoles that can be chained together. The result is improved echo and noise cancellation and more excellent audio coverage in large rooms.

Increased Productivity

A meeting room device can boost productivity by enabling employees to work together in a virtual space. This helps ensure everyone is on the same page and that any issues are resolved quickly.

One type of meeting room device is a video bar, which can integrate a webcam, microphone, and speaker into a single device. This can save time and space, and it can also improve audio quality. It is important to note that these devices can only be used effectively if they are set up correctly.

Another way that meeting room devices can increase productivity is by streamlining conference room scheduling. This can reduce the risk of double bookings and help avoid canceling or missing meetings altogether. One tool that can help to do this is the JOAN e-paper display, which allows employees to see which rooms are available at any given time. This can increase productivity by reducing employees’ time looking for a suitable space.

Increased Visibility

One person can quickly become lost or forgotten in a room with multiple participants during a video conference call. Intelligent conference room devices help to mitigate this issue by providing a clear and concise view of all attendees during meetings and other content-sharing sessions.

High-resolution displays offer clarity for all in the room. Whether product developers are discussing new designs or healthcare and engineering professionals are conducting walkthroughs with clients, 4K UHD images show the detail needed.

All-in-one video bars (like the Poly Studio X50) with a built-in webcam, mic, and speaker reduce visual clutter in rooms with fewer components. These are also often available on a subscription, which can save upfront costs.

Meetings and other team collaboration can be made even more efficient using an intelligent conference room device with an integrated meeting scheduler connecting to your broader CAFM platform. This helps to reduce the manual processes associated with organizing and booking spaces and ensuring that all required equipment is prepared for meetings.

Increased Efficiency

A double-booked conference room, a shaky video conferencing connection, or a meeting that stretches past its allotted time can directly impact employee productivity. The good news is that these sources of inefficiency are usually easy to solve.

Consider deploying a meeting room device with a built-in occupancy sensor to detect when employees use the space. This enables you to automate bookings and adjust lighting and technology accordingly, increasing workspace utilization by eliminating wasteful energy usage.

Investing in high-quality meeting room devices, such as video bars containing a webcam, microphone, and speaker, can save you time and money. These streamlined devices eliminate the need for multiple pieces of equipment and are especially useful in smaller rooms where space is limited.

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