Home Blog Pets These 10 Customized Pillows are Perfect for Your Pet

These 10 Customized Pillows are Perfect for Your Pet

These 10 Customized Pillows are Perfect for Your Pet

When picking which customized pet pillow to get on your next shopping haul, make sure to check out these choices so that you can find the perfect one to fit your pet. It not only says a lot about you as their owner, but it also says a lot about your pet, so be sure to pick the right one for them. In this guide, we will be breaking down 10 types of customized pillows you can get for your pet and the subtle things they say about you or your pet.

Music influence

Perfect for all the music lovers out there, choosing a musical influence design for your customized pet pillow shows that you love music and love your pet at the same time. It shows your preferences and how much you love a certain artist, a subtle tribute to them, and a very cute choice of pillow for your pet.


These cute pillows show your dog’s or pet’s face on the body of famous works of art depicting royalty. Have your dog dressed as the queen, a baron, a lord, a knight, even a jester. This shows your interest in medieval times and how you see your dog or pet as a royal figure of some sort. These types of pillows are adorable and if put together perfectly, can fit the look of your dog.

The meme

The trend of the internet taking the world by storm. Have your dog’s or pet’s face inserted in a meme that depicts funny situations that they may find themselves in daily. These types of customized pillows are intended to be funny and show that the owner has a sense of humor at the same time, is still connected to pop culture references from the internet.

Art influenced

The scream, a starry night, the Mona Lisa, simple life, these are just a few examples of masterpieces that your pet can be part of when you get this type of customized pillow. It shows visitors that the owner loves classical art. These types of pillows are super cute and can fit almost anywhere around the house.

TV show influenced

Show your dog and visitors who your favorite tv show characters are by getting this kind of pillow. When you choose a tv show-influenced pillow, you show your visitors a glimpse into what you usually watch when you are on the couch with your pet and mesmerized by the television.

Movie influenced

Show friends and families through this adorable movie-influenced pet pillow what your favorite movies are combined with your favorite furry companion. Have your dog look like a character from movies like scarface, the god-father, or any cult classic that you love the most

Sport influenced

Show off your favorite sports teams by picking this kind of customized pet pillow. Get your chance to show off your pet and the team you support the most by getting this pillow. Have your dog dressed like Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, or any athlete that you love the most.

Occupation influenced

Give your visitors a glimpse into your occupation or how the occupation you see your dog being by getting this kind of customized pet pillow. Have your dog or pet dressed like a doctor, a lawyer, a construction worker, or any occupation under the sun by getting this kind of pillow.

Generation influenced

Hippies, rockstars, rap artists, even pop icons, Have your dog resemble the different generations that have come and gone. Show your visitors which generation has influenced you by getting these kinds of customized pet pillows

Hobby influenced

Show off your hobbies and the things you love doing in your free time by picking this type of customized pet pillow. Show your pet doing the same things you love doing and give visitors the perfect conversation piece that says more about you too.


This guide has broken down the different types of customized pet pillows for you, hopefully, you can pick the right one best for you and your dog on your next shopping haul.

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