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Tips for Growing Your Hair Faster

Tips for Growing Your Hair Faster

We all want long, strong locks and get distressed when we start to lose the hair we have. Read on to find out what you can do to make your hair grow faster.

Having a beautiful full head of hair is a pleasure that all of us want to have. Losing it makes us even more desperate to grow it back as soon as possible. This is totally understandable, as our hair is an important part of our aesthetic and we all want to have a beautiful appearance. To learn about easy ways to grow your hair back fast, read our list of treatments, home remedies, and diets that will enhance your hair growth.

What Factors Contribute to Hair Loss?

Keratin is a protein that stimulates the growth of hair at the cellular level. Your hair follicles can grow up to six inches per year. As you age or if you develop certain health conditions, the production of new hair follicles might get reduced. This is why some people suffer from balding or their hair becomes thinner. Here are a few factors that can also contribute to your hair loss.

UV Rays

The harmful UV rays of the sun don’t just harm your skin; it damages your hair as well. The UV rays cause your hair to become dry, ultimately damaging it and resulting in hair getting broken.

Styling and Treatments

Many use heat styling products on their hair regularly. This causes breakage. Using hot oil treatments can cause inflammation in the hair follicles which can also result in loss of hair.


Your baldness might be caused largely due to your genes. You need to observe your immediate family members to see if they suffer from balding or thinning of hair. If they do, chances are you may also face the same issue.

Medical Issues or Hormonal Changes

The growth of your hair may slow down due to hormone-related conditions such as menopause or being pregnant. Then there are conditions such as alopecia that are known to cause balding. These conditions may be temporary or permanent. If you are taking medication to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, or depression, you may also experience hair loss.

Some Simple Tips to Improve Hair Growth

  • You should avoid using heat-producing tools such as hot hair straighteners too much. These tools strip away the moisture content of your hair making it prone to breakage.
  • The follicles of your hair can get inflamed if you tie up your hair a lot. So it’s better to avoid doing that too often.
  • One great way to avoid breakage is if you brush your hair gently. Being too harsh will definitely make your hair fall out faster.
  • Use a good shampoo to clean your hair. Click here for a list of shampoos that will be better suited for aiding your hair growth. After shampooing, rinse your hair with cold water instead of hot so that essential oils don’t get stripped away.
  • You should massage your scalp daily as it increases the flow of blood to the follicles of your hair, resulting in stimulated hair growth.

How to Improve Hair Growth with What You Eat

You need to revive damaged hair follicles to improve hair growth. In order for your hair to grow, your body needs a substantial amount of energy. This can be boosted by the presence of certain foods in your diet. The below-mentioned minerals and vitamins in your diet will boost your hair growth:


Some research suggests that a deficiency in zinc can contribute to hair loss. Your hair growth can get boosted if you add zinc to your food or take zinc supplements with food.


Iron deficiency is known to contribute to hair loss, so be sure to add foods that are rich in iron to your diet to prevent this from happening.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Studies that have been conducted on women have revealed that they managed a reduction in the loss of hair if they consumed omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is found in citrus fruits and can help to prevent the thinning of hair. This helps to strengthen your hair as the antioxidant properties fight the free radicals in your body.

Vitamin D

Alopecia is linked to balding, and people who suffer from this condition are deficient in Vitamin D. You need to have enough Vitamin D as it has been researched that it can create tiny follicles of hair in your body.

Hair Growth Treatments

Here are a few treatments for hair growth that can be done at an office or facility.

Hair Transplant

When you go through a hair transplant, strands of hair are removed from different parts of your scalp or body to replace parts that are in need of treatment. The parts from where the hair is taken are called donor sites, while the bald patches are called recipient sites. Hair transplantation is popular among doctors as it has a high success rate. You need to talk to your doctor to choose the right method of treatment from the two options available; they are follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction.

Laser Therapy

Hair thinning and hair loss in men and women is treated using UV light. This technique is pain-free and non-invasive. This promotes hair growth to give you thick and voluminous hair.

Natural Tips to Grow Your Hair


Lemon has a lot of Vitamin C; this is an ingredient that helps to maintain a healthy scalp and encourages hair growth. You need to apply lemon juice to your hair and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off.

Aloe Vera

You can use aloe vera to treat multiple skin conditions. It also has properties that help in the growth of hair. Aloe vera leaves your scalp with a refreshing feeling and unclogs blocked pores. You can also use aloe vera to treat dandruff by applying pure aloe vera a few times a week to your scalp.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaves can boost your hair growth by improving the quality and firmness of your hair as it is rich in protein. Additionally, your scalp is moisturized and the hair follicles are strengthened by the amino acids that curry leaves contain.

There are many factors that cause your hair to thin and fall out. You need to reach the root of the problem and consult with a dermatologist to decide on effective treatments that can boost hair growth and keep your hair looking luscious and vibrant. Best of luck.


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