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Tips on How to Train for Boxing

Train for Boxing

Boxing is one of the most straining sports, and it takes way more than just physical strength to endure your way through a successful boxing career. In this article, we’ll give you tips on how to train for boxing to help you know where to start on this sports field.

How to Train for Boxing

The training phase is usually the most challenging part of boxing. Use some of the tips below to be guided.

1. Choose a great trainer

While your boxing performance depends mostly on you, the trainee. Your trainer can also contribute a lot to the quality of your performance.

It’s important for you to choose a good trainer because he will not only help you reach your goals in boxing, but he will also push you to your limits during your training. This will help you a lot in identifying your capabilities as an athlete.  Be sure to check out Pro Boxing adviser options.

2. Practice proper breathing technique

One of the most common mistakes trainees do during their boxing training is holding their breath as they throw their punches. This is a big no-no. Always remember to exhale every time you punch. Doing this will help you handle the body hits. Practicing proper breathing technique will also help you manage your energy better so that you can get through the whole workout.

While pushing yourself to your limits is a necessary part of boxing, don’t push yourself too much, especially when it comes to breathing. If you’re really out of breath, let your trainer know and take time to calm down and have your proper breathing back.

3. Throw light but sharp punches

Most beginners in boxing think that stronger punches mean better punches. However, this is not always true. You don’t necessarily have to throw punches with full strength. Light but sharp punches are enough.

Also, when punching, you want to use your whole body instead of just your arm and shoulder muscles to throw powerful punches. When doing this, make sure your body is relaxed.

Another thing about powerful punches is that they exhaust you easily. If you consistently throw heavy punches, you’ll get tired easily and you’ll quickly lose the energy to train long. This is not advisable because you need to train long enough to improve your strength, endurance, and stamina.

4. Aim for shorter combos

If you’re still a beginner, don’t aim for long, complex combos. Short combos of 3-4 punches will be enough for you. Just add more punches to your combos later as you get better. This way, you will not shock your body with strenuous combos. Just start with simple combos and save the complex ones when you’ve got the hang of the basics.

5. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water. As said, boxing is such a tough sport, and you’d sweat a lot, so you need to refill yourself with water and stay hydrated.

6. Keep eye contact

Maintaining eye contact during a sparring or even an actual boxing match will give your opponent an impression that you’re the one who is more dominant between the two of you. This reveals confidence, personal strength, and power.

7. Think mind over matter

The mental aspect of training is an important part of the game. While you train for boxing physically, also take the time to train mentally. By working on your mental strength, you can push your training boundaries further, increasing your physical endurance.

8. Be strategic

Strategy is an important part of boxing. Without it, your boxing skills are equal to nothing. Strategy is the final step of defeating the opponent.

9. Believe in yourself

Self-affirmation is helpful in this aspect. It’s an effective mental technique that reminds yourself that you can win. The more you believe that you can win, the higher the possibility of you actually winning.

10. Don’t stop learning

Even when you’re not training, don’t stop learning. Learn while other boxers are training, observe their movements, and see if you can use these movements in your training. Also, get in touch as much as you can and ask for advice.


Use these tips on how to train for boxing, and you’ll surely get better during your training sessions.

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