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Useful Tips For Walking Your Dog Around The City


Living in the city has its perks. There’s always something around the corner to do. There’s superior food choices, a whole lot of parties everywhere, and you get to meet people from all over the world. Living in the city is perfect for those who want to experience what it’s like to be in a melting pot of ideas and people. The thing is, if you have a pet—specifically a dog, Irving in the city might be a bit of a challenge. There are a whole bunch of hurdles you have to jump through, the least of which is having a landlord or a building manager that even allows dogs to begin with. If you have a dog and you live in the city, you know how hard it is to keep up. One of the most demanding aspects of having a dog in the city is walking them. How are you supposed to walk an animal in tight, enclosed, and often busy sidewalks?

Well, to help you out with this,here are some useful tips for walking your dog around the city.

Avoid foot traffic

Dogs need a bit more space than usual. On top of that, if you have a smaller dog, walking them in a crowded sidewalk can spell trouble for those not paying attention. People are really fond of walking and staring at their phones. It’s become a global phenomenon. If they’re staring at their phone and not paying attention to where they’re stepping, they can definitely step on old Fido by accident. Most dog owners agree, that’s not a gamble they’re willing to take. To mitigate this, check out Maevworld’s blog post on all the ways you can get around with the safety of your pup in mind. One such way is to time your walks. If you time your walks to times that aren’t extremely busy. Depending on where you are in the city, you can probably get away with walking your dog before or after the morning and afternoon rush. That is, if you have the proper schedule to do so.

Trains and busses

If you’re worried about being around so many people while you walk your dog, you can find your way to a local park. If you’re lucky enough to be close to a park, you’ve got your work cut out for you. Just find the closest route to get there and have a field day. Luckily, there’s a part within 10 blocks of everyone. Some are smaller than others, but it’s enough to get off of the busy sidewalk. If not, then you’re going to have to get a bit creative. There’s an MTA rule in New York City that states that you can’t bring a dog onto the train or a bus unless it fits into a container. This is perfect for smaller dogs. If you’re living in an apartment in NYC, there’s a high chance that you don’t have a massive dog anyway. In this case, you’re in the clear. You can get to any park you want on the train.

Finding trails

If you have a larger dog, check out apps like Waze and see what traffic is like on the times you want to walk your dog. Find the closest one and concentrate in that area. For instance, if you’re living in the West End, there’s a massive century old transport trail that brought food from the Hudson River out to the rest of the island. It’s open to the public and you can see all the old and beautiful machinery from the turn of the 20th century. It’s both a fascinating peek into the past and a tremendous trail to take a dog of any size. This is most convenient if you live in the area, but there are similar trails hidden all around. The strange and cool footnote that people don’t talk about when they mention New York is that there’s a fun hiking or walking trail in every borough.

Old growth forests

The Thain Family Forest is an Old Growth Forest that rests in the New York Botanical Garden. It’s full of nice waterfalls and wonderful views of the surrounding area. It’s enough to make you forget that you’re in the middle of a cold, concrete jungle. It’s the perfect spot to go for a stroll with your best friend. Where is it? It’s in The Bronx right along the Bronx River. It’s amazing how easily you can forget where you are. On the map it looks like a tiny splotch of green off the Parkway. It’s much bigger and more beautiful than expected.

The aqueducts are gorgeous

Another spot that’s overlooked by people new to the city is the aqueducts. The aqueducts are fascinating. It makes you feel like you’re walking in the backdrop of a period piece. It feels like you’re in Gangs of New York because it’s the exact same structures. The architecture of certain foundations on the Rock hasn’t changed. Even better, there’s not a lot of folks that visit it outside your occasional tourist. They’re all in Midtown and Times Square taking selfies with Moana. The Old Croton Aqueduct Trailhead in Yonkers is your place to both explore and give your pup a breath of fresh concrete.

No matter where you are, you’re going to have to follow some basic rules with your dog. These may seem a bit redundant, but it’s amazing how many people fail to abide by common courtesy rules.

  • Keep your dog on a leash. Nobody else knows that your dog has been trained. Frankly, nobody cares. That’s something you have to respect. Even if Fido has been on a thousand open hikes through the Grand Canyon, you still need to leash your dog in the city.
  • Bring extra plastic bags for your dog’s poop. Once again, you can make that cheeky argument up and down that “it’s natural” and “good for the environment”. Frat days are over. You’ve got to pick up after your dog.

The aqueducts are gorgeous

Finding places to walk around the city seems like a bit of a daunting task. The beautiful thing about New York is that there are so any hidden trails and spots where tourists just don’t find it appealing. These are where you and your favorite best friend can have your brisk afternoon walks as the day dies down.

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